Castiel - Four

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Imagine: Cas saving you when a hunt goes wrong and him being angry that you put yourself in danger.

You perch on the edge of a sticky bar stool and sip delicately from an elaborately made cocktail; the expensive kind, the kind you would only buy to make yourself seem richer than you actually are. This drink isn't for enjoyment, it's a statement, something to be savoured until you find what you are looking for.
The jukebox fills the room with music and men in suits, with their ties hanging loose and blazers gone, play pool to wind down from a day of meetings. One of them keeps gazing at you, but you aren't here for him; although if tonight goes well you might come back. Instead, your (E/C) eyes land on the tall man that has just walked in. The man who isn't here for a drink; well not an alcoholic one at least. You throw him a sultry look over your shoulder before turning back to face the bar. You feel him watching you as he walks over to the empty barstool next to you.

"What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" His voice is gravely.
You raise your glass to your red-painted lips and shrug.
"I'm just here to enjoy the views." You smirk, glancing at the man.
His raven black hair is slightly longer than what was described by the victim who managed to escape, and for a second you think you have the wrong guy, but then he places a freezing cold hand on your thigh and you push those doubts away. Defiantly a vampire.
"You're forward." You bite your lip as his hand travels further up your leg and under your black dress.
"The night doesn't last forever." He purrs into your ear.
You shiver, tucking a stray piece of (H/C) hair that has escaped from your bun behind your ear.
"Normally guys throw all sorts of terrible pickup lines at me first."
"I'm not your normal guy." He whispers, moving his mouth from your ear and down your neck, hesitating at your jugular. "Wanna get out of here?"
"I don't even know your name." You grin, sipping at your drink.
"Simon." He grins, flashing his teeth.
"(Y/N). It's a pleasure." You hold out your hand and he shakes it with a laugh.
"Now that we know each other, let's get out of here."
He grips your hand and pulls you off the stool and into his lean body. You quickly grab your bag, containing two machetes and a vial of dead man's blood. You giggle innocently and follow him out of the bar, not that you have many choices.

The cold night air stabs at your skin and you start shivering; wearing a skimpy dress in this weather was not a smart idea. Simon slips off his black leather jacket and wraps it around your shoulders.
"Such a gentleman." You tease.
"My place isn't far from here." He winks, guiding you away from the bar.
The streets are dark and deserted, and you can't help but feel on edge. This is your first time hunting vampires on your own; sure, you've hunted on your own before, but never vamps, and never without backup. But these guys have been terrorising the town and you can't just sit by and let it happen.

Simon opens the door to his apartment, and you can't help but notice how off this place is. The curtains at every window in the corridors are closed and the whole apartment building smells off, like death. You step into his apartment, noticing again, how all the curtains are closed.
"Nice place." You smile, looking around.
The kitchen looks untouched as if it has just been installed and there are no plates in the sink. There aren't even any boxes of cereal out. You place your bag by the couch and unzip it slightly, just so you can slip your hand in without drawing any unwanted attention.
"Thanks, I travel a lot so I'm never here. That's why it's so bare." He explains, passing you a glass of red wine.
You take a sip, watching his face flush slightly pink as he drinks what you presume is not red wine. You can tell that he's struggling not to drain the glass of blood. You place your glass on the coffee table, turning to the vamp.
"So, how's the wine?" He questions.
"It's nice. What is it?" You take another few sips.
"It's an old house wine from France." He stands up and moves to the kitchen counter. "It's a strong red, good to hide the taste of other things such as sleeping tablets."
You jump to your feet, spilling the wine from your glass.
"You drugged me?" You screech.
He laughs. "Yes. I knew that you are a hunter the moment I saw you, that and I noticed the anti-possession tattoo on your collar bone." He glares at you. "And then I remembered your name, (Y/N), the Winchester's sister. You and your brothers slaughtered my family, my nest. And when I heard that you were in the area, I couldn't help but jump at the chance to kill you."
You feel the colour draining from your face. It is as if your heart has suddenly stopped beating and all the blood has run down into your boots. You sway for just a moment before Simon catches you and lowers you to the ground.
"You're going to love meeting my new nest." He whispers as you slowly lose consciousness.

Your neck screams in pain as you slowly come to. Your eyes flutter open and close as you try and wake up. You need to get your bearings, find a weapon, and find a way out of here. You lift your head up, feeling every muscle in your neck protest. You don't let the pain hold you back, you need to get up and out of here as fast as possible. Assessing the situation, you notice that you are currently sitting on the ground and your hands are tied behind your back to a pole. It seems that you are in a basement of some sort. Remembering what your brothers have taught you, you start moving your arms up and down on the pole, attempting to snap or at least loosen the tape.

"Looks like sleeping beauty is finally awake." Simon chuckles as he enters the room.
The vampire looks bored. He raises his heavy lids and stares at you through dull eyes. He crouches in front of you, like a cat ready to pounce. This is the stuff of childhood nightmares, but your heart still pounds its usual rhythm, apparently, you aren't scared. Sitting in front of him his aroma is heady, it's like raw meat or festering flesh, and it takes everything not to gag.
"Why am I still alive?" You question, narrowing your eyes at the vamp.
"Young vampires like to play with their food. They can't do that when it's dead." He teases, running a finger down your cheek. "I let them chase their food, they like the struggle."
"That's how your last victim escaped. She clearly outsmarted you."
Simon snarls viciously. "Enough!"
He walks behind you and cuts the tape from your bonded hands. You scramble forward, but he pulls you back by your (H/C) hair.
"I didn't say you could run yet, Winchester."
He ties your hands in front of you with thick rope, and you wince in pain. He pushes you forward, whispering one word into your ear.

You sprint forward, hearing snarls and crashes behind you, but you don't look back; you can't. You need to find a weapon. These guys haven't fed in a few days, they'll be weaker than normal. You skid around one of the generators in the basement and catch your breath. First, you need to find something to cut the rope. You frantically look around, spotting a jagged piece of rusted metal. Carefully you start sawing at the rope, grinning as it finally snaps off. However, that has cost you precious minutes. Now you need to find a weapon.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are." A raspy voice sings, followed by laughter.
"We promise we won't bite." Another voice, this one sounds closer.
You peak out from behind the generator and see the young vamps split up. Sighing, you stay low and look for a weapon. Your (E/C) eyes land on a long piece of metal and you edge closer to it. Only to be grabbed from behind.
"Gotcha." The vampire exclaims in glee.
You kick out, catching him in the knee and he loosens his grip. Lunging forward, you try and grab the piece of metal, only to fall short and slice your hand open.
"Your blood smells delicious." He grips your wrist and licks the wound. "So sweet."
He pulls your wrist back and you hear the snap before feeling the red-hot pain run down your arm. You scream out, tears pricking at your eyes as the vampire throws you to the floor.
"Now for the fun part." It growls.

The monster is more like a cat than a snake. Instead of killing fast, it prefers to toy with its food. The first strike would cause the victim unimaginable amounts of pain, after that it is playtime. The 'meal' is allowed the chance to run, to feel the pounding of their own heart just a few more times and then the monster sinks his teeth into their neck – just deep enough to let them bleed out slow.

The vamp straddles your waist as you lie on your back, cradling your broken wrist. You whimper pathetically as he bites into your neck, drawing the warm blood out slow.
"I'm sorry, Castiel." You mutter, preparing yourself to be drained, only for a brilliant white light to fill the basement.
The vampire leaps off your body and tries to hide, but a hand grabs it and the thing is dead in seconds. Castiel stands over you, his face flushed with anger. He speaks no words as he touches your shoulder and teleports you back to the bunker.

You land in a chair in the library and sink into the soft material, attempting to block out the pain all over your body.
"What the heck were you thinking?" Castiel shouts. "Taking on a whole nest?! If your brothers were here, they would kill you!"
You can't help it. You burst into tears. The exhaustion from the last few days catching up with you.
"Well, they're not here, Cas! Sam's dead! Dean's out drinking twenty-four-seven! I have no one! No one else to hunt with and hunting is the only way I cope! So, don't swoop in and save me! I had to do this on my own!" You're bawling but you don't care.
Cas stands there silent; taken aback by your outburst. But then slowly, he pulls you into a hug and you feel a warmth flooding your systems as all of the scratches, bites, and broken bones are mended as he cradles your broken body.
"I am so sorry, (Y/N)." He coos, holding you close until you feel your eyes grow heavy and you fall into a much-needed slumber.

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