Balthazar - One

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Imagine: Balthazar walking into one of your lectures to the boys just to see you angry because he thinks it's hot.

"How could you both be so stupid!" You scream at your brothers Sam and Dean. "I was five minutes away! All you had to do is wait, and maybe the two of you wouldn't have ended up looking like you've been dragged through a bush."
You indicate at Sam's broken arm and Dean's cracked ribs.
"And Dean, when someone gives you the 'don't pull your gun out of the back of your pants' look, don't pull your gun out of the back of your pants!"
You rage on at your brother's incompetence for another ten minutes, only to be interrupted by a fluttering of wings. You turn around in anger, expecting to see Castiel but finding Balthazar instead. You glare menacingly at him as he disrupts your ranting.
"Why are you glaring at me?" He comments smoothly as he leans in the doorway to the Bunker library.
"I'm hoping you'll spontaneously combust." You retort.
The angel laughs. "What has gotten you so grumpy? I could hear you shouting from upstairs."
"These two idiots were trying to get themselves killed. Anyway, why are you here?"
Balthazar shrugs. "As I said, I heard you yelling from heaven, and I think you're really hot when you are angry."
You open and close your mouth in disbelief. You have no idea what to say, Balthazar's comment caught you completely off guard. Sam and Dean clearly sense that you are distracted, and they start to tiptoe out of the room.
"I am not done with you two idiots. The two of you are not off the hook." You grumble, keeping your gaze fixed on Balthazar, who looks slightly disappointed.
"I thought you would keep shouting at them for longer." He pouts.
"I can shout at you if you would prefer." You grin.
"It's a date."

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