"We can only try, Draco." You run your fingers through his hair. "How are we going to choose someone?"

"We'll just have to wait for the right moment, I don't want to have to do this at all. I can't willingly choose someone."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Since you've cursed the necklace, I think I should do the Imperius curse."

"Don't be so fucking stupid, Bec. I'm not letting you do that. It's my task, I will do it."

"Fine." You say, not putting up a fight and hoping the opportunity will arise where you can perform the curse instead of Draco.

The next morning you wake and get ready to go to Hogsmeade, you're so anxious you feel sick and have a headache. You just want everything to go right for Draco.

You both walk down to the common room to meet Blaise and Lux, and you all head to Hogsmeade together. You head inside The Three Broomsticks, while the boys go to the bar to get some drinks, you and Lux find a table to sit down at.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" Lux says.

"I know, I'm sorry. I've just been so busy with Draco. I promise I'll try to spend more time with you." You reach across the table and squeeze her hand.

"I do appreciate being able to have a dorm all to myself and Blaise though, so I'm not complaining." She smirks. You had missed spending time with her, she always knew how to make you laugh.

The boys come back over and sit down, handing out glasses of firewhiskey. You made sure to sit in the seat facing the door and the bar so you could take an opportunity if you saw it.

"I kind of miss when we all used to come together. Everything has changed now. Maybe we should have invited the others?" You wonder aloud.

"Yeah, it would have been real fun with Parkinson and Nott here." Draco scoffs, I guess he had a point. You all continue talking and drinking as you see the door open and Katie Bell walks in. She walks to the bar and speaks to a couple of other Gryffindor's before walking into the girls toilet.

"I'll be right back, I'm just going to the toilet." You say, quickly getting up and following Katie in, making sure no one is following you. You open the door and see she is in a cubicle. You use Colloportus to lock the door so no one can come in, before hiding in the cubicle next to her.

You wait for her to come out, your heart pounding in your chest. You hear her unlock the cubicle door and swing it open as you immediately walk out and push her back in, your wand against her throat. "Imperio." She immediately goes into a trance like state, "you will deliver this to Dumbledore." You place the necklace that is still wrapped in its box in her hands. "You are under no circumstances to touch it. Do not let anyone stop you. You did not see myself or Draco Malfoy here. Go." You back away from her and wave your wand, "alohamora" you unlock the bathroom door, allowing her to open it and leave.

You quickly rush into a cubicle and shut the door, throwing up into the toilet. Did you really just perform an Unforgivable Curse? And on one of your classmates? 'It's okay.' You tell yourself. 'You had to do this, for him. For Draco.' You steady your breathing and pull yourself together, walking out of the toilets and back towards the table.

"Is everything okay?" Draco asks as you sit down beside him.

"Yeah, I just had to take care of something." His glares at you, narrowing his eyes. He reaches inside your bag, not dropping your gaze. When he can't feel the necklace, his face turns to stone. He knows what you've done. But you didn't care if he was angry, you wanted to help him and you would do it again if you had to.

You all finish your drinks and head back towards the castle, Draco slowing down as you link his arm so you were both far enough away from Blaise and Lux that they wouldn't hear your conversation. "What the fuck did you do, Becca."

"I used the Imperius Curse on Katie Bell, I gave her the necklace."

"Why would you do that?! I told you it was my task, I don't want you this involved. It's too dangerous."

"Draco, I'm not going to let you do all this on your own. I love you, it's you and me. Whatever you do, I do."

"Ugh you are so infuriating." He stops and grabs your face, "don't do anything behind my back, ever again. Please." You see the look of desperation and panic in his eyes.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I won't."

"Promise me."

"I promise."

He crushes his cold lips against yours, "it's a good job I'm in love with you, or else I would have murdered you by now." He says, letting a small laugh escape his lips. "Zabini! Thompson!" He shouts. "We just need to make a quick detour. We'll catch up!"

Blaise and Lux both wave at you as Draco drags you down an alleyway. "Come on, we'll have to be quick." He hurries you towards Borgin & Burke's, stopping at the door and composing himself before entering.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Burke. We would like to discuss something with you."

"Ah, Mr. Malfoy, yes. What can I help you with?" The old man standing behind the counter hobbles towards you, his grey frazzled hair hanging a little over his eyes as he readjusts his glasses.

"We were wondering, how is it one would go about fixing a vanishing cabinet?"

"Ah," he nods, "I understand. If you could just take me to it, I could certainly help you."

"No, I can't take you. Just tell me how to fix it." Draco spits his words at the old man.

"Without seeing it, Mr. Malfoy, I'm afraid I won't be of much help."

"Listen, old man. You're going to help us, and you're going to help us now." You say, walking in front of Draco. "Tell us the spell, and if you refuse, I will arrange for the Dark Lord to pay a visit with a couple of his close friends, and I don't think you'd like that very much." You narrow your eyes at him, grabbing onto your wand on the inside of your coat pocket.

The old man stumbles backwards a few steps, before straightening his glasses again. "Yes, of course. I'm sorry, my lady." He looks to Draco, who has a grimace plastered on his face. "You could always try Harmonia Nectere Passus. This literally translates to 'harmony together pass'."

You look to Draco, who nods his head at you, seeming satisfied with the answer. Draco walks towards Mr. Burke, lifting his wand to his chin. "If you tell anyone that we were here, I'll fucking kill you." He lowers his wand. "And don't sell that cabinet." He says, pointing to the other vanishing cabinet as he turns to walk out the door. "Thank you for your time, sir." He grabs your hand and walks you out onto the cobbles again.

"Holy shit, when did you grow balls, Becca?" He says, giggling with you as you both run along the cobbles back to the castle.

"I guess, when I realised I would kill for you." You say, turning to look at him. You both continue to laugh and run, holding hands all the way. You come to a stop as you notice Blaise and Lux in the distance, stood still looking towards the castle.

"What are they doing?" Draco asks, you speed up to catch up to them. As you draw closer, you see Hagrid closer to the castle, walking towards the infirmary. He was carrying someone in his arms.

"Oh my god, who is that?" You ask, pointing to the body Hagrid was carrying, so Draco can see what you're talking about.

"I can't make it out." Lux answers. You see McGonagall walking towards Hagrid, followed by the golden trio.

"I think it's- is that Bell?" Blaise says to the three of you.

Thanks for reading, my loves!
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