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It all started with a nightmare.
A nightmare that will make the biggest twist of her life she had never imagined.

Inside her dream, she was brought to a place very close to her heart, yet the era was different, she was with her so-called mom wih two witches in the form of snakes. She was somewhat elemental,  witch or something like an enchantress, she didn't know. It was just so unnatural and out of this world. Then she met this guy or should we say a vampire who captured her heart effortlessly. But what she didn't understand is that, why does it seems like it was forbidden.  Why can't they be together when they both love each other?

In current times, she was bothered by her weird dream, or maybe she should call it a nightmare, since it really was a nightmare for her. And what frustrate her even more is that it keeps on coming back to her mind like a broken clip, it keeps on bugging her thought. One day, in their department orientation as students studying Bachelor of Science in Biology,  someone caught her attention. He was so handsome, his brows thick and perfectly carved, his nose aristocratic, his jaw chiseled making him devilishly handsome, his lashes so long and curved and his lips were so damn red, and kissable. And the moment he turned his sight to her and their their gaze met she was drown into his tantalizing deep dark chocolate brown eyes, she was lost in the depth of the  familiar orbs that she was staring at. It feels like she have known those eyes long ago. What was that? How could it be? How did that happened when in her entire lifetime, she haven't seen that drop dead gorgeous man? Were they connected like soulmates? Or it was just a mere product of her wild imagination?

CURSED: THE LONG LOST ENCHANTRESS (ON-HOLD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant