"How much for the flowers?" Chanhee turned to a man who wore a straw hat so low it covered part of his face, mostly his eyes.

"Just 2 silver!" Chanhee replied, politely. The man looked carefully through the various colors of the flowers. Chanhee found himself observing the man's attire. He wore sturdy black boots but his clothes looked worn out with patches at the edges. The most eye-catching of all was his eye. Chanhee noticed that the man had a scar on his right eye but before he could actually look at it carefully, the man lowered his hat down to cover it.

"I'll take those violet ones." The man held out 2 pieces of silver and Chanhee hurried to tie up the small bunch of violet flowers. The man didn't say another word and just nodded his head as a greeting and left. Chanhee kept looking after the man. Something intrigued him about that man. He felt unusual energy around him. Gumihos could feel certain energy around each other and sometimes, humans, that is if the human had a special destiny.

 And he felt it with that man.

"Hyung? What's the matter?" Youngjae clicked his fingers in front Chanhee's eyes. Chanhee shook his head, still staring at the direction the man left. He didn't know why but he felt worried. The energy he felt was definitely not ordinary.

The man walked a bit before turning right into a narrow alleyway between the buildings where his 'friend' was waiting. The young man was obviously of noble status and stood up immediately when the man with the straw hat came. The young man put on a straight face and bowed his head.

"How was your trip?" The young man asked, politely. The other man just nodded, then punched his chest lightly.

"Don't be so formal outside! Lighten up a bit, Sangyeon." He said as he pulled out a single flower from his bunch and tucked it in Sangyeon's collar. Sangyeon still had his head down, not making eye contact.

"What is this.....flower?"

"It's a gift! Doesn't it look good? These wild flowers grew up freely. It's found quite deep in the mountains. I don't know how that dainty boy got them but they seemed beautiful." The man grinned at him.

"I am grateful for your gift." Sangyeon bowed his head even further down. The man just looked at him with a given-up expression.

"Whatever. I'm going to go back now," the man took a few steps then turned back to face Sangyeon, "I hope you accept my proposal. It would be very beneficial for all."

Sangyeon didn't look up and continued his calm straight demeanor. The man gave a small pat on the shoulders and left.

Sangyeon walked out the alleyway after him. He looked at the man's figure for a few seconds before walking away the opposite. He took out the flower the man had gifted him. It was a pretty violet and pink shade with small petals blooming all across. As he walked by, he noticed the same flowers being sold by a boy. He guessed this was where it was bought. He took a look at the seller and understood why the man wondered how he got the flowers. As Sangyeon was observing the boy, he accidentally made eye contact.

Chanhee looked cautiously at Sangyeon before noticing the small violet flower in his hands. Sangyeon held it up a bit and nodded his head at the flower, giving a small smile. Chanhee returned the nod and the smile. Sangyeon left after that.

"You know him?" Youngjae asked from beside. Chanhee shook his head.

"Must've been my customer. I don't know."

"Sunwoo-yah!!!" Hyunjae yelled out as he walked into the tavern yard.

"Do you HAVE to announce yourself every time you come here?" Hyungseo complained from the tavern. Hyunjae just winked at him and proceeded to sit down on the bench. Sunwoo came out from the store room.

"Hey, hyung."

"Heyyyyy look! I brought new friends!" Hyunjae spread his arms towards the two males standing beside Haknyeon.


"Yep! Younghoon! Changmin! Come sit down! Sunwoo, get me your best wine." He grinned and patted the space beside him. Younghoon and Changmin sat down awkwardly. Only Hyunjae was over enthusiastic. Haknyeon made conversation with Changmin while Hyunjae kept pestering Younghoon with questions.

"You know, you could snatch up girls left and right all you want. You got a girlfriend?" Hyunjae said, closing the distance between him and Younghoon. Younghoon didn't know what to reply at first, spotting Changmin in his peripheral vision.

"I- I don't have a girlfriend." He said after a while.

"Oh? You want me to help you find one?" Hyunjae wriggled his eyebrows.

"No. I'm good."

"Come on, I know lots of pretty girls."

"Thanks, but I'm not interested."

"Awww that's a shame." Hyunjae finally turned away when Sunwoo arrived with the wine. Changmin scoffed and Younghoon turned to him to give a warning look. Changmin ignored him. Haknyeon pretended to be oblivious of the interaction. He had a hint of what was going on and he did not wish to be a part of it.

"Drink up! Sunwoo's wine is the best, and the treat's on me!" Hyunjae poured the two cups of wine.

"Cheers!" Hyunjae held up a cup and Haknyeon, Younghoon, Changmin followed. Hyunjae and Younghoon drank it in one shot. Haknyeon just took a gulp and put it back on the table. Changmin sniffed the wine and hesitated. Sunwoo noticed that and,

"It's not that strong. I use a lot of fruits." Sunwoo assured him and Changmin nodded gratefully. He took a sip carefully and tried to manage his face but failed.

"You can't drink?" Sunwoo asked in concern.

"Sort of?" Changmin said, uncertainly. and put down the cup, "I like it but can't really drink much." Sunwoo nodded.

"Why are you drinking in the middle of the day?" Hyungseo said, cupping his face.

"Cause we want to. And anyways, it's not the middle of the day. It's just a few hours before sunset." Hyunjae replied.

"Oh! OH!" Changmin stood up suddenly. The others looked at him in confusion.

"Younghoon, we're late! Joonyoung's gonna kill us!" He said, slapping poor Younghoon on the arms. Younghoon stared at him in confusion before realising and stood up as well.

"It has been a pleasure talking with you, Hyunjae and Haknyeon. Thank you for the wine,....Sunwoo?" Younghoon smiled when Sunwoo nodded back. He bowed his head a little as a greeting, not forgetting Hyungseo as well. Younghoon waved quickly and left in a hurry while holding hands with Changmin.

"What happened?" Sunwoo asked Haknyeon. Haknyeon recounted the events from the day and Sunwoo wasn't even surprised.

"Where's Hwall? He said he'll meet us later here." Haknyeon asked. Sunwoo shrugged.

"I don't know."

Sunwoo sat down the bench and was about to lay down when Hyunjae suddenly grabbed his arm.

"Where did you get that handkerchief from?"


"That handkerchief." Hyunjae pulled out the handkerchief Sunwoo pocketed this morning.

"Oh, someone dropped it this morning." he said, not noticing Hyunjae's conflicted expression.

Hyunjae stared at the handkerchief in his hands. It was still the same blue bunny print handkerchief as he remembered. At least he hoped it was.

A/N: Hii! It's only been four parts but how is it? I hope my writing is not confusing that much. It's also my first time writing fantasy theme and moreover, a historic one. I've already written till part sixteen now! Yay!

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