A book idea I have...

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  (The image above is the closets- no wait, ALMOST the exact version of how this Wirt looks in this AU, I'll explain in a sec, just ignore the Bipper hanging on his branch) 

 " oh shot- where am I?" 


                " is-s anyone there?"                                                          "anyone?" 

             " I-I want to home to dad...." 

                                                                                           "Dad? DAD WHERE ARE YOU?" 


                                                                            "I'm scared...." 

"please Help me..."  


The Beast: Wirt? 

Wirt: DAD!!! runs up to him and hugs him

 The Beast: didn't I tell you not to run of like that (you have to stop chasing butterflies....) 

Wirt: I-I thought I- 

The Beast: it's ok my little sapling.... your dad is going to be here....unlike your mother 

Wirt: why... did we have to leave mommy? 

The Beast: sigh  sometimes not everything can stay together Wirt..... that includes me and your mother.... 

Wirt: did she...leave us because we're- 

The Beast: nods sadly It's my fault because of this..... I should have told her what I really am.... I lied to her..... 

Wirt: well.... mommy may not like you but..... I still love you dad! still hugging 

The Beast: ...I know 

Wirt: don't worry dad something I'll grow up to be just like you!!! 

The Beast: I don't think you would want to be me.... if anything you more like you mother, even if you have my powers..... 

Wirt: well then.... I'LL BECOME STRONGER THAN EVER!!! I'll be feared by everybody in the unknown!!! 

The Beast: if you are then you're not going to have many friends... 

Wirt: who said my friends had to be in the Unknown? takes out a piece of paper look dad!! 

The Beast: Witchcraft and Sorcery Academy (WASA for short) ..... I didn't know you were interested 

Wirt: well yeah!!! all of the most powerful teens  go there!!! not to mention, that there can be kids just like me!!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DAD!!!! gives him the you know what eyes I'm talking about 

The Beast: ( I knew I should have not let him use the internet...) sigh well once I get enough money I guess, but you have to promise me.... 

Wirt: promise what? 

The Beast: promise me, that if I let you in this school once your 14 years old, you will take the name of the Beast with you, it's important and as my only son.... you'll make sure to be ready to take on your on lantern.... 

Wirt: Gasp YOU MEAN- 

The Beast: pulls out a black cape(basically the same one one the picture) yes.... 

Wirt: YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!! hugs him I promise !!!  

                                                  I won't let you down father!!!

 Sooooo should I? .....why do I bother asking I'm probably going to end up doing it anyway, so..................... COMING SOON                               (not really...... maybe, I don't know) 

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