Asks 35 & 36

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 From Lonely_Freddy: I have an ask, what would they do if they met terrorizer who is a crow/ wolverine hybrid and a child murderer and topped demon??? 

Gamer: I've seen worse..... but if I did I'd sacrifice Ivy first and then Bipper 

Ivy and Bipper: WHY ME!? 

Corrupted Gamer:......... I don't know... teleport? 

Dipper: how about not deal with it at all.... and I think I speak for everyone.... 

Bill Cipher: not me! I'll just mess with there organs or something? 

The Beast: feed them to my lantern...


Tord: well I guess try to kill it.... if not then fuck it we're screwed...

Clockwork: go back in time and stop them from ever being created.... 

Domino: ....nothing.. ]

Cyclock: why nothing? 

Domino: I can't die permanently unless if you die as well.... or Clockwork

Cyclock: oh

Evil Morty: grabs one of his inventions I think it's best if I spare the details....

Right Hand Man; they'll regret ever coming here.....

H̸̤̞͚̪͉̔3̴͔̪̀̃͗͌͂͆n̷͚̱̺̲̾̐̃R̵̭̔̓͘͝ÿ̸̡̭͓̰̦́͆́: nothing... just let it kill me all it wants..... 

Corruptick Will: ... probably hide... like a normal person... 

Toy Yendo: (who was murdered by a child murderer) ..... gets a chainsaw Get. My. REVENGE!!! 

Robin: finally, we can agree on something gets a giant sword I'm not sure if this will kill them but it will do for now...

 From TheBlueMermaid_: Another ask... Okay let's say that in my world frogs already overthrew the government and is now ruling the whole galaxy because my "friend" gave them Gun's... how do we-uh... fix this? 

 Corrupted Gamer: uhh..... find there worse weakness and use it against them, if not then...... I've got nothing 

Gamer: sadly I only work with problems in hell, can't say I'm good at it, but I guess I recommend that they don't get there hands on anything else that is..... powerful..... 

Bipper: well if you can't beat them, join them... 

 Dipper: looking in his Journal my best guess is to get some sort of stronger force to help you if you can, or just get as many allies as you can and probably come up with a plan to over throw them 

Charles: they overthrew the government..... I'm going to need more helicopters for this.... 

Burt: just stop with the helicopters....

Wirt: .... I have no Idea- 

Beast Wirt: kill them

Ice Finn: if it's war they want, it's war they'll get..... so I suggest go to war...... 

Finn: how about no war... 

Mindless Fitch: war is probably your best option here 

Red Leader Tord: I agree

Alcor: cast some sort of spell to make them dumb and send to some sort of realm...

Wirt(AU): that-.... actually might 

Clockwork: Holding his words 

Cyclock: ... sigh fine go ahead

Clockwork: Inhales deeply(get ready...) Well you see if you have your hands on time magic or a time machine you can just go back in time and stop your "friend" from ever giving them guns, but I won't be surprised if you don't but another way I learned when trying to overthrow heroes from there high place above would be watching what your enemies can do.... it might take a while but it should pay off in the end. Of course you would want to have a plan and backup plans, I recommend 5 just in case, you can either go solo or with a team but if frogs were able to rule the galaxy then I think a team would be good, however you would want to get people that you trust and know are useful for a situation like this. Now one material I think you could get is a Corruption chip which it's dangerous but in your situation..... yeah I think you'll need it, out of all the glitches and viruses this one is the most easy to find in every universe, but don't hold them for to hold on your hands or else... that will happen pointing at Corrupted Gamer and there will be only a few hours to get out once your like that or else it's permanent with no going back. But other than that I have nothing.....


Clockwork: I know..... I have gone mad with no sanity left and only 4 braincells left in me... 

H̸̤̞͚̪͉̔3̴͔̪̀̃͗͌͂͆n̷͚̱̺̲̾̐̃R̵̭̔̓͘͝ÿ̸̡̭͓̰̦́͆́: let humanity die..... it had to happen at some point 

Corruptick Will: probably just try to survive for the time being until you come up with a plan 

Toy Yendo: murder... just murder... 

Robin: how about you tell your "friend" the fucked up..... and murder the frogs... 

Corruptick Will: don't say that.... 

Robin: well that's what I would say... 

H̸̤̞͚̪͉̔3̴͔̪̀̃͗͌͂͆n̷͚̱̺̲̾̐̃R̵̭̔̓͘͝ÿ̸̡̭͓̰̦́͆́: WELP... lays back say bye to your world that has been taken over by frogs with guns.... good luck with that problem... 

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