Part 18 || the new student

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<next day>


Today was a normal day nothing unusual except I had this weird feeling that something bad is about to happen but I just shrugged it off. Right now I'm in class with all of stray kids and Hana. Cool huh? Classmates with all your friends but anyway we were all talking until the teacher came in

Teacher: "good morning class today we have a new student today" she then looked to the entrance of the door signaling him/her to enter

Jaemin: "anneyong I'm Na Jaemin let's all be friends kamsamnida" he said while bowing.

I. Was. Shocked.

This can't be happening. No no no. I just stiffened and looked at Hana, Seungmin, and Felix who were giving me a worried look. I looked back at Jaemin and saw him smirking

Hyunjin: "hey you ok? You seem tense"

I couldn't even answer him and when I was about to talk someone interrupted me

Jaemin: "long time no see y/n" even hearing my name come out of his mouth is disgusting. Hyunjin gave me a confused and suspicious face. I didn't answer him but instead just looked down and kept quiet while all sorts of thought came running through my head. He sat down in one of the seats staring at me the whole time

Hyunjin: "how do you know each other?" I didn't even bother looking at him I couldn't concentrate at all

<time skip table>


After class Hana pulled me away from anyone who could come near me since stray kids was worried about me since they saw me distracted during the whole class. Hana asked me if I knew anything about him transferring and if I'm ok I just replied that I had no clue and I'm fine just shocked. We all then sat down in the table until someone started talking

Hyunjin: "how do you know him Lee" great he's calling me now by my last name

Y/N: "h-he's my e-ex" everyone looked at me shocked except Seungmin, Hana, and Felix

Hyunjin: "do you still have...feelings for him?" What why would he even ask that

Y/N: "NO OF COURSE NOT..." I trailed off then sighed "of course not Jinnie I love you and only you, you don't know what he put me through he's crazy and made my life like hell"

Hyunjin: "I'm sorry I'm just scared to lose you" he said hugging me putting his chin on my shoulder

Jaemin: "wow babe you replaced me already" he said putting an arm around my shoulder

Y/N: "get the fuck off me Jaemin and stop calling me babe! I'm not yours and never will be" 

Jaemin: "oh really? I'm gonna make you fall for me again y/n just you wait" is he crazy or something? Does he really think I'd like him again after what he's put me through?!

Y/N: "bold of you to think I'd like you again and why are you even doing this what happened to that little new student of yours back then huh?" I said crossing my arms

Jaemin: "that bitch turned out to be so fucking ugly under all that makeup" of course I knew I could tell legit everything was fake but he wouldn't believe me

Y/N: "so now you're going back to me so that I can become your toy again?"

Jaemin: "that's right... you know you resisting me to touch you makes me wanna do it more" he said getting closer

Hyunjin: "back off man can't you see you're making her uncomfortable?! Get out of here" He said while pushing him

Jaemin: "so this is your new boyfriend huh" he said looking him up and down

Jaemin: "does he know about what you do after sch-" he didn't get to finish when Felix through him a punch

Felix: "you know I've been wanting to do that since the second you stepped inside the classroom but I couldn't hold myself now"

Jaemin: "aww your brother cut me before I was able to say anything I guess they don't know?" He said while looking at me smirking "you wouldn't mind me telling them right?" Before I could answer Seungmin came in and punched him hard in the face


Jaemin then got up from the floor wiping the blood from his mouth

Jaemin: "looks like only some of them know I'll see you soon y/n" he said smirking while walking away

Hyunjin: "y/n?! Are you ok?!" He said shaking me. I was in shock and couldn't move how dare he just expose my secret just like that?!

Y/N: "I-i I'm ok just a bit shocked"

Hyunjin's POV

I wanted to ask her about what Jaemin was talking about but I decided not too because I'm gonna respect her and let her tell me in her own time but it's true that y/n was hiding something and it seemed like Seungmin knew. I gave stray kids a look while hugging y/n to not ask her about it and they all nodded and Felix smiled

Hyunjin: "if you want to tell me something go ahead if you don't it's fine take you time" she just nodded while her head was on my chest

Jisung: "well that guy was fucking weird" he said scoffing

Minho: "what happens between you guys anyway?"

Y/n stiffened in my hug and I just patted the back of her head

Hyunjin: "you don't have to tell us if you're not ready" She pulled away from the hug and sighed

Y/N: "no no I'll tell you guys you deserve to know"

Y/N: "me and Jaemin were highschool sweethearts we were the Kingka and Queenka of the school so everyone envied our relationship. Around half the school year came around and a new student came" she was about to speak but something stopped her
Felix noticed and continued for her

Felix: "Jaemin then broke up with y/n because he said she was too boring for not letting him touch her but the new student did. Y/n was really sad because she really liked him but after what he put her through never again. That's why it was hard for me introducing you guys because I was scared one of you might like her which is you Hyunjin" he said he's turning to me "but I trust you enough not to hurt her" he said smiling at me

Hyunjin: "don't worry y/n I won't touch you without your permission and I'll never hurt you" she smiled then snuggled on my chest again

Jeongin: "that fucking-"

Chan: "Jeongin! You're too young to swear" he said covering his mouth

Then everyone started laughing which brought the mood up

That Jaemin really hurt y/n that everytime she sees him she's always in shock but the next time I see him I'm gonna throw the hardest punch I can. While I was in my thoughts y/n started talking

Y/N: "I love you Jinnie" she said looking up at me with her puppy eyes

Hyunjin: "I love you too y/n-sshi just remember that I'll always protect you and I'll never hurt you"

I can tell things are gonna get more complicated from now on but with everyone protecting each other we'll get through it.

Cry (Hyunjin X reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz