Part 15 || he's back

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<Saturday Mall>


Me and Hana's hands were full of shopping bags. Today was honestly so much fun we got to go to the salon, we bought new clothes and we took great pictures together. We were walking around the mall looking for the next shop to go in when I spotted a familiar figure. Wait i-is th-that J-Jaemin?

I stopped walking and stared at the figure and I guess he could feel it too because when he turned around I saw the face I never wanted to see again.

Hana: "are you okay y/n?" I didn't answer but instead she looked at where I was staring at and she gave me a confused look

Y/N: "let's go home now" I said grabbing her arm and pulling her away but I was stopped by someone standing in front of me

Jaemin: "well well well look who I just bumped into"

Y/N: "go away Jaemin I don't want to deal with you" I said trying to leave but he just blocked me again. Hana just gave me a shocked expression

Jaemin: "not so fast y/n" he said lifting my chin up with his finger making me face him "aren't you happy seeing your boyfriend again?" What is he talking about? Boyfriend? Him? Never again

Y/N: "I'd rather die then get back together with you" I said pushing him away and leaving him there

Jaemin: "you cant avoid me forever y/n I'll see you soon" he said which made me turn back to look at him but all I see is that smug smirk plastered on his face before turning away leaving

Hana: "that was Jaemin?" She said quite shocked

Y/N: "yeah can we go home I'm not feeling well"

Hana: "of course come on"

Felix's POV

It was around 4:00pm when I heard the door opening. Wonder who could that be. I went and checked and saw y/n and Hana.

Felix: "why are you guys back so early I thought you were going out for the whole day and y/n why do you look so pale?" I said checking her face if she's alright

Y/N: "can you just bring me to my bed first" she said tiredly. What happened?

We brought her back to her room and all she did before I left was stare at the ceiling.

Felix: "ok Hana tell me what happened why is y/n acting like that?" I said strictly. We were now in the living room so that we can properly talk about what happened

Hana: "we bumped into Jaemin at the mall" she said in a monotone. Once I heard that I stood up and was about to walk out the door to find this asshole.

Hana: "stop he's probably gone by now there's no point in finding him and you should stay here to keep an eye on your sister" she said while grabbing onto my wrist stopping me from leaving

Felix: "you're right I'm sorry. I guess y/n is just in shock after seeing him"

Hana: "she hurt her that bad huh"

Felix: "yeah" I said looking down but I can sense that Hana wasn't telling me something

Felix: "tell me"

Hana: "w-what?"

Felix: "you're hiding something tell me now before I find out myself"

Hana: "no it's nothing it's just that Jaemin said he'd see y/n soon and she cant run away from him forever"

Felix: "don't worry too much about y/n ok? She's a strong girl and I'll be there to protect her and so will you Seungmin Hyunjin and the others"

Hana: "you're right...well I better get going please tell y/n to text me once she's feeling better"

Felix: "I will thanks so much for caring about her"

Hana: "it's no problem bye!"

After Hana left I went up to y/n's room to check up on her and she's still lying down facing the ceiling. I went up beside her and did the same

Felix: "I know what happened so wanna share what you're feeling?" I said as I continued to look at the ceiling

She sighed before speaking again

Y/N: "I don't know honestly, I'm sure I don't have feelings for him anymore but all these flashbacks started appearing in my head when I saw him like when we'd go out on dates, we'd hold each others hand in school, he'd pass me notes in the middle of class complimenting me, the day the new student came, the day he broke up with me and so much more. *sigh* why does he have to come back in my life when everything's going great now"

I listened as she explained everything.

Felix: "I don't know what to say to you y/n I can't help you but I promise I'll always be here to listen, guide and protect you arraso? I said looking to my side facing her. She looked back at me and smiled

Y/N: "gomawo oppa love you thanks for being the best brother ever"

Felix: "sure...hey wanna watch a movie?"

Y/N: "sure let's watch Tangled"

Felix: "what but that's a kids movie"

Y/N: "come on I still like it" then she showed me her aegyo

Felix: "ok fine you know that works on me ever since we were kids"

She went all excited and we started playing the movie. How can someone even break this kids heart? She's so pure and kind they're crazy.

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