Part 27 || confessing

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I sat down on our usual table waiting for Jaemin. I was silently eating my food when the door burst open grabbing everyone's attention. When I turned around I saw Jaemin and Felix?

Seungmin: "wtf are you doing with him Felix?!"

Felix: "chill it's going to be fine" he then looked at me and gave me and sincere smile. What the fuck was happening?

Jaemin: "can I have every ones attention please?" He shouted in the whole cafe while standing on the table where we sit with Felix beside me. Everyone was now facing us and this made me really nervous. There were so many eyes on us...

Jaemin: "I just wanted to announce that me and y/n are not dating" I looked up at him with a surprised face and he just gave me a smile in return. What is happening "I know these past few weeks you've seen us together but that's only because... we made a deal" then everyone started whispering "the deal was for y/n to break up with Hyunjin and to end her friendship with Stray Kids so that Sana can have a chance with Hyunjin and this'll be my chance to also get y/n and Sana said that if y/n won't do this she'll hurt them. She was too obsessed with Hyunjin to see the people she's hurting! Y/n only said yes to the deal because all she wanted was to protect her friends and Hyunjin even if it meant ignoring her feelings" Then everyone started gasping and whispering more. I then made eye contact with Hyunjin and I could see him tearing up "I only went with the plan with the goal of getting y/n to fall for me again, yes you heard that right again we used to date back in highschool and I treated her very badly and when Sana came up to me I thought this was my chance to win her back because I wanted to show her I changed for the better but... I can see that that'll never happen because well, her heart already belongs to someone else" he said smiling sadly "so I just wanted to apologize and make everything clear to everyone!" He went down from the table and looked at me before turning away

Y/N: "Jaemin wait!" I grabbed his wrists and hugged him "thank you, you've really changed" then I pulled away from the hug and turned to look at Felix

Felix: "you really you want to join us?"

Jaemin: "r-really? After what I did to you guys?"

Felix: "everyone deserves a second chance their there to redeem yourself so don't mess this chance up" he said slightly punching his chest

Jaemin: "yeah I won't" I looked back and saw Hyunjin crying while looking at me

I started running towards him and he opened his arms for me. I jumped on him and we ended up falling on the ground because of the impact of my hug.

Hyunjin: " I miss you so much y/n! I thought you really left me"

Y/N: "I missed you more Jinnie and I love you so much!"

Hyunjin: "I love you too"

Hana: "GURL WHAT THE FUCK I THOUGHT YOU HATED ME ALL THIS TIME COME HERE YOU LITTLE BITCH" she said pulling me away from Hyunjin and hugging her I hugged her back then we pulled apart and I started talking

Y/N: "I'm so sorry guys I just wanted to ensure your safety and I was scared that I won't be able to protect you and I won't-" I kept going on and on until they all group hugged me

Seungmin: "just shut up you little spider" he said and I looked at him wide eyed since he mentioned my fake name in front of everyone and I gave him a "are you crazy" mixed with a little "stfu" look but everyone seemed it was normal phew

Jeongin: "I really thought you hated us noona" he said hugging my waist from the back

Y/N: "I'd never hate you guys, you were the ones who made me smile how could I hate you for that?"

Hyunjin: "so y/n are we uhm..." he started becoming nervous which was so cute

Y/N: "yes Hyunjin we're back together" I said then kissed him

Jisung: "get a room!" He shouted and all of us laughed

Chan: "so let me get this straight Jaemin and Sana made a deal with you to break up with Hyunjin and to stay away from us or else they'll hurt us?" I nodded then looked down

Y/N: "I'm sorry if I hurt you guys"

Felix: "don't be y/n you pushed aside your feelings to protect us" I looked at them and smiled

Y/N: "thanks guys" I hugged all of them again until someone came behind us

Jaemin: "hi guys I just wanted to say I'm sorry I thought I still had a chance with y/n so when Sana told me her plan I thought it would work but I just made it worse...sorry" he said looking down

Chan: "it's alright man you did the right thing" both of them then smiled

Jaemin: "hey man I'm sorry for everything really I truly am I understand if you won't forgive me but I just wanted to tell you to take care of y/n for me" he said talking to Hyunjin. He looked him up and down before sighing

Hyunjin: "I forgive you and yes I'll take care of her" Jaemin looked up at Hyunjin with a shocked expression

Jaemin: "really?! Wow I never expected all of you to be so kind" we all then smiled at him

*Bells rings*

Minho: "well we gotta head to class come on" we all started walking with Hyunjin's hands and my hands intertwined and it seemed like stray kids was getting along with Jaemin. *sigh* now everything's back to normal...

Sana's POV

That fucking traitor! I trusted him and he tells the whole school my plans and now everyone's giving me weird glares and whispering about me

Sana: "CAN YOU ALL JUST MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS!" I shouted at them and they immediately turned all their heads

This is all your fault y/n if you never came to this school Hyunjin would be all mine. I'm gonna make you pay for this just you wait. You'll hate it so much you're gonna want to drop out of uni.

Cry (Hyunjin X reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora