Part 17 || weird

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Today me and Hyunjin were planning to tell the other guys about us. I was nervous and it seemed like Hyunjin noticed.

Hyunjin: "relax ok let's go they're waiting for us" he intertwined our hands and kissed my forehead before walking out of class



We sat down and everyone started eating while I looked at Hyunjin and gave him a "let's tell them?" look and he nodded

Hyunjin: "guys we have something to tell you"

Chan: "is it something bad? You guys look nervous"

Y/N: "a-ani actually we-" I was cut off by a super excited squirrel

Jisung: "YOU GUYS ARE FINALLY DATING?!" He shouted to which the whole cafeteria turned to look at us. Felix quickly covered his mouth and shut him up

Hyunjin: "yes we're dating"

Jeongin: "oh my gosh hyung that's so great but why were you guys nervous to tell us? You know we've been wanting you guys to date already"

We just laughed and talked about how Hyunjin confessed and we showed them our pictures from the amusement park yesterday but then someone had to come ruin the moment

Sana: "hey you whore I heard you're dating my Hyunjinnie oppa" she said with her arms crossed

Hyunjin: "I told you Sana not to call me that, you don't own me, don't call y/n a whore because you're just referring to yourself here, and yes we are dating got a problem with that?"

Sana: "but oppa why would you date her come on are you blind I'm much better than this piece of trash"

Hyunjin: "I'd rather be blind than date you because you're such a desperate bitch"

Sana: "oh really I'm the desperate one when she's hanging out with 8 gu-" I didn't let her finish when I slapped her

Felix: "y/n!" He said pulling me back from hitting her more

Sana: "did you just fucking slap me you bitch!" She said grabbing a fist full of hair

Y/N: "yeah you deserved it" she punched me in my stomach, face, and kicked me in my legs not until stray kids stopped her and Hana came and helped me off the ground

Hyunjin: "you fucking-" he was about to hit her when I stood up and stopped him

Y/N: "don't Hyunjin you shouldn't hit a girl and why waste your energy on someone like her?" He seemed to realize what he was about to do and brought his arm down and hugged me

Hyunjin: "I'm sorry y/n I should think before I do something I regret thanks for stopping me" he said while placing his chin on top of my head

Sana: "ugh we aren't finish y/n!" She said walking away

Minho: "we should bring her to the infirmary" he said then the others started helping me off the ground

Since I'm used to this and honestly her hits weren't even that strong I'm used to getting hit harder so after a while I could just get up easily like nothing happened which I did

Y/N: "guys stop overreacting I'm fine" I said brushing off the dust on my clothes Felix knew I was fine that's why he didn't bother telling me to go to the clinic

Jisung: "yah! y/n are you crazy you just got beaten up and you won't go to the clinic and Felix why aren't you helping your sister?" I was about to argue back when Seungmin cut me

Seungmin: "guys chill look she's fine she's a strong girl if she says she doesn't want to go then she doesn't want to go"

Hana: "yeah you guys are such worriers look at her she's standing up completely normal"

Well makes sense these 2 trust me obviously cause they know my secret and they've seen the people who've I've fought with before

Changbin: "well ok but like I'm kinda shocked"

Felix: "what do you mean?"

Changbin: "how are you not not even crying if I was in your place I'd probably be crying right now but for you it was like nothing"

Hana: "she just has a high pain tolerance that's why she didn't cry right y/n?" I looked at her and smiled

Y/N: "yeah she's right don't worry ok?"

Hyunjin: "hey y/n can I talk to you privately?" Wonder what's on his mind

Y/N: "sure, excuse us for a while"

We walked out of the cafeteria and went in front of the lockers

Hyunjin: "I feel like you're hiding something from me" oh no should I tell him? I'm too scared on how he will react though

Y/N: "I'm not hiding anything from you ok? That's just a feeling but trust me I have nothing to hide" I said with my fingers crossed behind my back

Hyunjin: "well ok I just wanna make sure, no secrets between us ok?" Great now I feel like shit.

Y/N: "ok..." he then hugged me and kissed me on my nose

We went back but before we could sit the bell rang so we went on with our day like nothing happened but I still felt really guilty for not telling Hyunjin. I'll just tell him when it's the right time.

<after school>

I was in the exit of the school when Hyunjin came up to me

Hyunjin: "hey y/n-sshi wanna hangout later?"

Y/N: "I wish I can but I have so much school work to do"

Hyunjin: "it's ok we can study together let's pass by the park first and get some ice cream"

Y/N: "sure!"

We were sitting on one of the benches with my head on Hyunjin's shoulder while both of us were eating ice cream

Hyunjin: "saranghe y/n" I looked up at him and saw him staring at me already

Y/N: "I love you too Jinnie" he kissed my forehead and we made our way to my apartment to finish our school work

Unknown POV

You've replaced me already huh? Why so soon y/n? Well tomorrow you'll see me again and I'll win your heart back. No one can have you besides me mark my words

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