Wait, What? (chapter 7)

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*Louis' P.O.V.*

I woke up and looked at my alarm clock.

" 8:00," i said quietly.

"What?" Molly asked coming out of the kitchen frightening me quite a bit.

"Wait, how did you get in here?" i asked, but then i hit me. "Did we like, well, you know?"

"I think so. Actually i was pretty drunk but i woke up in your bed and kind of just figured." 

"Oh okay, did we use protection cos' i don't remember a thing that happened last night after we left the bar."

"I hope so," Molly said with slight worry in her eyes.

"I don't think that either of us are that stupid to forget."

"Well if we just slept together, and I don't know much anything about you, should we maybe go get some coffee and just chill and hang out?" she asked making really exited.

"Yes I would love to," I responded almost immediately.

"Okay great! Well I'm going to go home and get ready and ill text you when and where to meet," Molly said in a cheery voice.

"Okay that sounds great, i guess I'll see you later then."

"Yeah, byee."

"See ya."

'Oh god i got to get ready' i thought to myself rushing to the bathroom to take a shower.

*Niall's P.O.V*

"I texted the boys and told them what happened," I said as Kass and I hopped into the car taking us to the airport.

"Okay, i'll text Olivia and Taylor."

"I'm so sorry we need to leave, I was really excited about this trip."

"Don't even think about apologizing, you know this wasn't your fault! It was an accident, and I honestly don't mind leaving. I mean I wish we could've stayed and hung out with Tori and Molly, but you and I could use some us time. Well, after we make sure your mom is okay."

"I know it wasn't my fault, it wasn't anybody's fault, but I just wish we could've gone out and seen some of your friends and family and stuff, like we said we were going to. But yeah as long as we get plenty of alone time while i'm on break," i said then realizing i hadn't planned anything for our anniversary yet, " so, our anniversary is in a week, I know i nee to plan it and everything but, what do you want as a gift?"

"I don't want anything but you, I thought i made that clear. As long as we can be together that's all i care about.

"Are you sure?" i asked trying to make it seem like i wasn't going to get her a gift. I actually already purchased it.

"Well now that you mention it, I am in deep need of the new Justin Bieber cd," she said nudging me in the elbow.

"I swear to god, I don't have a mun crush on Justin Bieber! He is one of my best mates!"

"Fine, fine what everrr!" Kass said laughing and resting her head lightly on my shoulder.

"I love you," i said kissing he gently on the head.

"Love you too, boo."

We arrived at the airport, I grabbed our bags, we shuffled our way onto the plane and sat down ready for our 14 hour flight.

*Taylor's P.O.V*

"Hey, Liam. Kass just texted me and said that Niall's mom got into an acident and their going to Ireland to stay with her."

"Yeah Niall texted me. That really sucks, he was looking forward to this trip," i said.

"I know, I hope his mom is okay."

"Me too, their really close and he would fall apart if anything happened to her."

"Can you text Zayn and ask him when he wanted to go shopping? I'm super hungry and i need some different clothes being its still winter and what i packed doesn't exactly fit winter weather requirements," Taylor said pointing to her suitcase, shorts and tank tops hanging out.

"Yeah i'll text him, im pretty hungry too. Should I ask Lou if he wants to tag along?"

"Yeah sure you can sak him but I think he has other things on his mind."

"Oh, you heard bed rocks coming from next door too?"

"Oh yeah. I did."

*Louis' P.O.V.*

From Molly:

Hey, Im ready so do you just wanna meet at starbucks on sunset blv. at around 2:00?

To Molly:

Hey, yeah that sounds good i'll see you there. After do you wanna maybe go shopping with Zayn, Liam, and our friend Taylor?

From Molly: 

Okay. Yeah that would be fun!

To Molly:

Okay, cool. I'll see you in a few.

I got to starbucks at about 1:57 and looked in to see if Molly had gotten there yet.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Molly standing behind me smiling widely.

"Oh hey," i said giving her an awkward side hug.

"Hey," she said really quietly looking at the ground.

"You alright? You don't look so great," i said lifting her head up so she was looking me straight in the eye.

"Well, I need to tell you something, but I shouldn't do it here."

"Okay where do you wanna go?"

"Just somewhere quiet and more private."

"Okay we can go back to my hotel, you go to the car and i'll get us some coffee then we can talk, okay love?"

"Yeah okay thats fine."

SOOOO! That was chapter 7!! :) 

Did you guys like it?? If so please vote, and comment! Also please fan me! I'm trying to get to 100 :) 

What do you think Molly needs to tell Louis?? Will Niall's mom get out of her coma? What did Niall get Kass for their anniversary? Will Liam and Taylor take it to the next level in their relationship?? Comment what you think will happen next :) I'll be updating sometime soon, and sorry it took me so long this time, it's just I get soooo much homework and stuff so this break i will be doing 3 or 4 new chapters.

Sory this chapter was kinda boring and short. It'll be better next time, PROMISE!

I dedicated chapter 7 to MrsTomlinson526 because she is an amazing writer and you should go  fan her and read her story right after you vote for this chapter.. :P

-Kassidy xoxo

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