The News (chapter 8)

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*Molly's P.O.V.*

I got in Louis' rental car and looked down at my sleek, black iPhone and lost myself staring at Ryan.

Louis hopped in the car, slamming the door, throwing me out of my trance and making me jump.

"Jesus you scared me!" 

"Oh sorry love, didn't mean to," he said so caring, his eyes gleaming into mine.

He closed his eyes and leaned in puckering out his lips, i began to lean in and stopped before our lips touched. He peeped open an eye and back away slowly.

"Sorry, can we just go back to your hotel?" I asked, suddenly regretting not kissing him.

"Yeah, thats fine. I guess."

One silent, awkward as hell car ride home, we got to the hotel and snuck in to his room not being seen by a single fan.

"Are you hungry?" He asked handing me my coffee.

"No, I'm fine thanks," i sighed, "Louis," i hesitated, "I'm pregnant."

"Wha-wha-what?" He quickly stuttered out.

"I said, i'm pregnant."

"I- I know, but how? It's not even been a day! How can you tell?" he asked.

"Your not the father. You see, my boyfriend and I just broke up, its his. I- I don't know what to do! I'm too young! I cant be a  mother! I'm not fucking ready!" I ranted and cried into his shoulder, not telling him about the fact i was rapped by my now ex-boyfriend Ryan.

He rubbed my back and stayed quiet.

After standing in the middle of the hall for about 20 minute, he let go of me, grabbed my hand and brought me to the couch.

"Molly, listen to me. I know i've only known you for 20 hours, but i would really like to get to know you better! I won't let you do this on your own, I promise," he said his eyes gleaming into mine.

"Thank you so much Lou. Sorry Louis, wait no, can i just call you Lou?"

"Babe, you don't need to ask! Everyone calls me Lou."

"Okay. Louuuu!" i said chuckling, "but yeah, it really means a lot that you would do all this for me. Last night was fun, at least the parts i remember."

He laughed. We sat on the couch the rest of the day, talking, giving basic information, and laughing our asses off! I think i really like him, it's a huge change from Ryan, for sure!

*Harry's P.O.V.*

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." I woke up to an ear popping scream. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom where i saw Olivia standing on the toilet, shreiking.

"What the hell! You scared me to death, are you okay?" I asked, still a bit shooken up.

"Sp-sp-spiderrrr," she whined.

"Are you serious? It's just a little baby daddy long legs babe," I picked up the harmless spider and held it up to Livy's face causing her to leap of the toilet seat and dash though our hotel room out the door and into the hallways.

I put the spider outside on the balcony not wanting to kill the poor thing.

"Babe come back inside i got rid of it."

"Are you sure it's gone?" she asked frantically.

"Yes, i'm positive."

She slowly walked in looking left, then right, then left, then right, then straight at me. 

"Come here babe," I opened my arms ready to embrace her in a hug.

She walked up to me, open arms.

"I Love you," i said. Right before we came into a hug, she kneed me in the balls!

"HOLY JESUS CHRIST!" I yelled from the floor, my new position after falling down from the amount of pain i had in my penis.

"LOVE YOU TOO," Olivia screamed while running down the hotel into our room, slamming the door behind her.

I know we've only been dating for a few days but, damn i like this girl!

*Kassidy's P.O.V.*

"No, no, stop please!!" I said as the killer turtles began bitting me and ripping off my flesh.

"Kass, wake up! Were here!" I heard Niall yell cauing me to jump awake, snapping out of my insane dream.

"Oh my god! I'm alive, i'm alive! You saved me Nialler! Thank you, I love you babe!"

Niall sat next to me in awe for a while before bursting into laughter.

"O-O-Oh my god babe, you are the funniest person i've ever met!"

"What ever, I was actually scared, but lets get out of the plane i need to see sunlight and breathe fresh air," i said jumping up, getting a major head rush making me fall right back down in my seat.

"You alright," Niall asked laughing softly.

"Yeah just a head rush," I said standing up again.

We got to the hospital where Niall's mum was being held. We checked in as visitors and asked for permission into her room. Our access was granted and we walked in to see a damaged Maura. 

"Oh my god," i said almost in tears.

I looked over at Niall and he was already crying sitting in a chair next to him mum.

"Ni, look at me. She's gonna be okay," i said and began to cry myself.

I pecked Niall on the check and embraced him in a warm long hug.

I release him to see a huge wet spot on his gray v-neck. I could feel the tears weighting down on my shoulder and decided to go to the bathroom to fix myself up.

I cam back and Niall was in the same exact spot i had left him.

"Babe i'm gonna go get us some food okay? I'm starved but i'll be right back. Any requests? Wait i know, Nandos"

"Okay. I think you know me too well," he laughed still sniffling from the tears.


That was Chapter 8!!! Did you guys like it?? Sorry it took weeks for an update. If you were waiting, im truly sorry, but i've been suffering from major writters block. It suck. I'l hopefully update again once or twice this week before school starts again for me. But please Fan, comment, and vote! It would mean so much to me if you did! I'm Dedicating this chapter to @Bre2anna because she is my best friend, and she has just started writing her own fanfic and its really good so far so you should go read it and fan her. Love you guys!! Xx.

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