17- Confused

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  "I'm home,"  I said cautiously, sighing lightly and locking the front door behind me when I got no answer in return.  I wandered into the living room and curled up on the couch, my knees against my chest. 

  It was going to be a lot to take in this whole day.  I sighed, resting my chin on my knees as I thought about it.  "Animals."  I huffed, shaking my head.  The idea, though they had explained it to me, was still insane. 

  A knock came at the door, and I sighed, standing up.  "Its a bit early for you to be home-"  I looked up at the clock as I unlocked the door.  "Shouldn't you- oh."  I cocked my head in confusion, staring at Haru, who stood on my doorstep.  "Did you follow me home?"  I asked, crossing my arms.

  He glared at me.  "No.  Shigure made me."

  I smirked, stepping away from the door.  I'd have to remember to thank Shigure for thinking of me next time I saw him.  "Mom's gonna be home in a bit, don't make yourself too comfortable.  I'll make us something to eat."  I watched him step inside and then headed towards the kitchen lazily.

  He followed me to the kitchen quietly, yet the air around him was angry.  "Is this what Hatori meant when he said you "go dark"? Did you get into a fight?"  I asked, leaning against the counter.

  "Shigure and Yuki pissed me off, that's all."  He shrugged, picking up an apple.  "Its nothing."

  "Oh?"  I chuckled.  "You guys can never catch a break, huh?  What were they saying?  Teasing you about something I'm sure-"

  "Its nothing."

  I frowned at his snappy tone, but nodded.  "Alright.  Would you like some tea grumpy?"  I asked, pulling open a cupboard.  "I'll run some hot water and we can have some ramen as well?"  He nodded, back in his quiet state.  I stared at him for a moment as he stared at the countertop, rolling the apple between his hands.  I might not know him very well, but something was off, and it was disconcerting to say the least.  "Are you sure you're alright?"

  "Mei-"  Haru snapped.  "Its nothing."

  "Hey- I'm just looking out for you."  I huffed.  "You've looked out for me enough, so deal with it."  I crossed my arms.  "If something's bothering you Haru, tell me.  We're friends- or at least close enough."

  "Nothing- nothing's bothering me."  He breathed out.  "I'm just- confused."


  "Like I said.  It's nothing.  Don't worry about it."  He stood up.  "Here, let me help you."  He brushed off any further comments and turned the stove on- the wave of anger not completely settled, but dissipated some.

  I stared at his back for a moment, then sighed.  "You Sohmas'."  I huffed.  "Haru- can you explain to me what happens when you go dark?"

  "Why?"  He grunted.

  "Because- I can't tell when you're just ticked off or if you're 'dark'.  It's unsettling not to know-"

  He looked down at me for a moment, then looked away with a sigh.  "I don't know when I'm going dark, it just happens.  It's like someone flips a switch in my head and suddenly I'm in a rampage."

  "Do you go dark alot?"  I asked, busying myself with the noodles for the soup.


  I stifled a laugh, turning to face him.  "So you're just a jerk to me because you can be?  Thanks a lot."


  "I'm just joking Haru."  I touched his arm lightly, smiling.  "Learn to take a joke huh?"

  He blinked at me for a moment, then turned back to the stove.  "I went extremely dark for the first time in a long time today."  He admitted.  "When I spoke to the head of the family."

  "You did?"  I pulled out a knife, chopping up some of the veggies.  "You don't speak very highly of them, what are they like?"

  "Akito- is like a god to us."  He sighed.  "We do as they command, with no will of our own.  They aren't a good person, but we stand by their side anyway."

  I stared at him, frowning.  "Sounds like a bastard to me." 

  He chuckled.  "You could say that again.  Don't worry about us though, we're able to handle ourselves."

  I hummed in agreement, sliding over to the stove.  "See, isn't this nice?  You feel better now?"  I joked, nudging him in the hip. 

  He grunted, knocking me upside the head with his hand.  "Shut it."  He huffed, stepping back.  "You're so full of yourself huh?"

  "Not full of myself, thank you very much."  I rolled my eyes.  "You're just acting a bit- off.  So it's my job to help you."

  "Right."  He followed me out of the kitchen after I served up the ramen, and we sat on the couch.  "Thanks."

  "Its nothing."  I flicked through the tv channels until I found something half interesting.  "So-"  I brought my knees to my chest.  "A cow huh?"

  "I'll kill you bitch."  He glared.

  "Hey!  I'm just asking!"  I held my hands up in surrender.  "I think it's cute, cows are your favourite animal so I guess it makes sense."

  "Its stupid, is what it is."  He huffed.  "A dumb old ox."

  "Well-"  I hummed lightly.  "I don't think you're dumb.  Maybe a little spacey, but you're quite smart in my opinion."

  He smiled at that, and turned his focus to the television.  "Thank you, I guess." 

  I nodded, enjoying that we weren't arguing for once.  I opened my mouth to speak when I heard a knock at the front door, making my breath bitch.

  "That's my mom."  I groaned, standing up.  "She can't see you here.  This is gonna be awkward- could you go out the back door?"

  He stared at me for a moment, then stood up.  "Alright.  Have a good night Mei."  I nodded, speeding to the front door as he made his way to the back.

   "I hope I was able to clear up some of your confusion Haru."  I smiled. 

  He nodded shortly.  "You did."  He agreed, and slipped out the back door.

  I pulled open the front door, Mom breezing past me with her phone to her ear.  "Welcome home."  I sighed, already missing Haru's company.
Word Count: 1050 Words

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