35- Stand

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  When I got home after talking to Yuki that night, I felt a little bit more relieved than when I'd arrived at school that morning. 

  That didn't last long, when mom opened the door to my room with a long, exasperated sigh and crossed her arms.  "So."  She said, pursing her lips.

  "Yes?"  I asked, looking up from my homework.  She was still in her work clothes, even though she'd been home for a while. 

  "I wanted to speak to you about your classes."  She said, sitting at the edge of my bed.  "Your teacher says that you're doing well, I spoke to her this afternoon. "

  "You did?"  I kept my back to her, afraid to look her in the eye.  Whatever the teacher said must have upset her, because she never came in to talk to me like a civil person.

  "She said that you're unhappy.  That you look-"  She fished around for the right word, the hummed.  "Depressed."

  I froze, furrowed my brows together.  "I'm not depressed."  I snapped, dropping my pencil.

  "Are you sure?"  Her voice was unusually calm, and for some reason- comforting.  "You can't exceed unless you're well mentally.  Your education is important."  There it was.

  "I know.  I get it."  I snapped, finally spinning around to face her.  "I'm doing just fine.  I have friends, I'm happy!  Okay?"

  She looked taken aback, then gave a short nod and narrowed her eyes.  "Alright.  Don't give up, I believe in you."  She stood up, brushing her skirt off and left through the door, closing it behind her.

  Tears fell from my eyes, falling onto the carpet at my feet.  "Tch-"  I huffed, standing up.  "Believe in me- yeah."

  I realized, once I had somewhat calmed down, that I had snapped at her.  While that wasn't something new, the reason behind it was.  I'd actually stood up for myself for once. 

  Being friends with Haru was changing me- I didn't hate the person I was acting like, and to be honest it scared me a little.  And I wasn't willing to let him go so easily.  I was angry at him- beyond pissed, but I loved him.  And I needed him to be my friend again.
Word Count: 373 Words

Yeah- this one is SHORT- But hey👋 uh quick little update!  I'm going to be hopefully 🙏 finishing this story out soon, and I wanna start a new character while I work on my other two.  Does anyone have anyone specific?  I was thinking Ayame, Momiji or Isuzu (Possibly Akito🤨)?

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