2- Mother Hen

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"I've seen this before in Yuki." The doctor called Hatori said, casting a look over his shoulder at Hatsuharu- who's name I had only learned after Hatori said it. "You shouldn't have been out in the rain like that." He held a stethoscope to my chest, listening carefully.

"So, are you just an idiot then?" Haru asked from his spot on the front porch where we all sat.

"I'm not an idiot. I didn't know the rain would get so bad out there." I frowned, glaring at him. "And it's not the end of the world if I get sick, it happens all the time."

"That's idiotic."

"Haru-" Hatori warned, shoving him with his foot. "You should take better care of your health miss-"


"Do you sleep Mei? You look quite tired and your heart sounds a bit overworked. Common symptoms of a lack of sleep." He continued.

"I don't have time to sleep Hatori-San. In order to keep myself at my best educationally I only rest for short periods of time." I said, tilting my head back to look at the roof overhang.

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." Haru said, standing up. "Next you're going to tell me you don't eat or something stupid like that."

"Well, you're blunt, aren't you?" I frowned. "And come to think of it, no I don't really need to eat much."

Haru stomped inside angrily, leaving Hatori and I together.

"Haru is a very kind boy Mei-" Hatori said, listening to my breathing through his stethoscope. "He cares about people too much for his own good. You probably shouldn't have told him that, now he'll probably get all motherly over you."

"Could have fooled me." I frowned, crossing my arms. "He practically kidnapped me to bring me here."

"I don't think kidnapping is the right word." Hatori laughed. "He simply doesn't like to see people in pain." He paused. "What were you doing out in the rain like that, if I may ask?"

"Would you believe me if I said I was going for a swim?"

"I'm a doctor, not an idiot. You were still crying when you arrived. What happened?"

Oh jeez, someone wanted to hear my sob story. I took a deep breath, shaking my head. "It was nothing. I was just a bit overwhelmed at the moment."

Haru appeared in the doorway again, gripping an apple in his left hand. "Eat." He said, shoving it into my palms and plopping down on the ground once again.

I stared at the apple, honestly dumbfounded by the fact that Hatori was right in Haru getting all motherly. "Thanks-" I said, taking a bit from the crisp green apple and let out a sigh of happiness at the sweet flavor.

The rain had let up a bit, and the setting sun was peeking through the grey clouds when Hatori finished checking me over.

"What's it going to cost me?" I asked, pulling out my phone. "I don't have my wallet but I can-"

"It's fine." Hatori said, pushing my hands back down. "You don't have to pay anything, it's my pleasure to make sure you're alright."

"Oh goodness! I can't! I've already been such a bother to you, please! Let me make it up to you!"

Hatori just shook his head with a smile. "Just make sure to check back in with me sometime soon, alright? Here, I'll give you my number just in case anything comes up." He disappeared inside the house.

"I'll walk you home." Haru piped up, staring off at the sunset with his hands buried in his pockets.

"You don't have to do that-"

"I want to." He said bitterly. "It's dangerous to be out all alone."

"But you're already home- Wouldn't it just be a bother for you?" I asked, picking up a discarded towel off the porch and wrapping it around my shoulders to dry up some more.

"It's not a bother for me. You should stop assuming you're being a nuisance to others."

"Sorry-" I rubbed the back of my neck. "It's a habit of mine."

He turned around to say something when Hatori rushed out the door. "I'm sorry to say this, but I'm afraid it's time for you to leave. Here, I wrote down an address for you to go to if you ever need anything from me. Just say you're looking for me and I'll be over when I can."

"Hatori!" A female's shout came from inside and Haru and Hatori both stiffened.

"We should get going." Haru coughed, grabbing the sheet of paper from Hatori and picking up his umbrella.

"Hatori! Where did you go?" The shout came again, angrier this time and Haru grabbed my wrist, pulling away.

"It was nice to meet you Hatori-San." I bowed in the middle of being tugged away.

"You too Mei." He smiled and quickly walked inside the house.

We walked back to the entrance along the stream pathway, the rain had let up completely by now and both our clothes were starting to dry up some.

"Who was that in the house? Is Hatori married? She sounded pretty angry at him." I asked, peering around at the pretty estate grounds.

"No, he's very single." Haru said, glancing over his shoulder. "It was probably just a patient of his or something."

"I see." I nodded. "It must be amazing to live somewhere like this." I said as we exited the oak doors back onto the city streets. "It's such a beautiful place, nothing like the rest of the city. It's like another world."

"It's not as nice as you think." He said, his attitude back to that angry sounding one I'd seen earlier. "It's hell on earth."

"Well, that's not a very nice way to put it." I said, kicking a stone down the side of the road as we walked. "You live in such a beautiful place, try and take some pride in it!"

He remained silent, the grumpy aura still surrounding him. I frowned, walking silently beside him towards my house.

I mean, I could understand what he meant by home being hell on earth, he did find me after I ran away from my home. But his life and mine seemed so different, and I knew I wasn't supposed to judge a book my its cover so I didn't push it any.

We arrived at my house, and I cringed when the door flung open. My mother came rushing out, her hair tugged into a ponytail and still dressed in her work clothes consisting of a steam pressed suit and skirt. "Mei! Where have you been?! I've been worried sick about you!"

"I went out." I said, stepping back when she reached out a hand towards me. I turned to Haru, who seemed completely oblivious to her fake affection. "It was nice to meet you Haru. I'll see you at school perhaps?" I asked, trying my best to keep him there for the sake of my sanity.

"Uh- probably." He said, dipping his head respectfully to my mother. "Ma'am, please watch her and make sure she gets enough sleep and food. Doctors' orders."

"Oh of course! Thank you for bringing her home!"

"It's no problem. I've got to return home now. Bye Mei."

No! Don't leave me with this crazy woman! I wanted to cry, but just nodded. "Bye Haru."

I watched him walk off, waiting silently for my mother to start on her ranting about something or the other. When she did, I just sighed and followed her obediently inside the house.
Word Count: 1271 Words 

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