12- Friends?

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Saturdays left me home alone with nothing to do while Mom was at work. She worked a nine to five job as a lawyer across Japan, so she wouldn't be home until at least seven which gave me twelve hours to relax without having to worry about homework or her "plans for me".

Or at least thats what I thought. Life really has funny ways of messing with me these last few months, that's for sure.

As soon as I woke up, I headed over to my window to open it up. I figured I'd do some light cleaning to pass the time. When I looked out the window however, Haru was standing as still as a statue on the corner of the street, his back to my home.

"What are you doing?" I asked, leaning out my window trying to catch his attention.

He glanced up at me for a moment, as if he had just realized where he was. "I was looking for you-" He frowned. "I thought I got lost though,"

"This idiot." I grumbled. "Hold on, I'll let you in."

"Isn't your mom home?" He asked. "I thought she was the big bad wolf?"

"She's at work. It'll be fine as long as you're gone before she gets home." I slammed the window and stepped back, biting my lip. "Although now I'm regretting my decisions-" I sighed. "Oh what the hell. He's harmless. I think-"

I ran down the stairs and opened the front door, letting out a sigh when I saw him on the front walk. "Now what have I done to owe the pleasure of your visit?" I asked sarcastically, leaning against the doorway as he approached.

"This." He held out an object in his hand, dropping it into my outstretched one.

"Oh!" I looked down at what I realized now was my sweater. "I forgot about that didn't I?" I tossed it over the back of the couch and turned back to him. "I guess I should let you in, shouldn't I?"

"That would be the courteous thing, yes-" He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "But I only stopped by to return that. I should get going back to the estate."

"Oh come on-" I stood up straight. "Think of it as a thank you for yesterday and today. Have you had breakfast yet?"


"Great. Then stop being a dolt and get in the house before some of the neighbors see you and report me."

"Report you to who?" He gave me a puzzled look, looking around the empty street.

"My mom." I grabbed his wrist and dragged him inside, shutting the door after checking down the street for any peeping neighbors. "Now- I'm going to go get dressed. If you wouldn't mind finding something in the fridge, I'll make breakfast when I get back down?"

"I'm the guest." He tossed me a smirk.

"I'll kick you out idiot." I dismissed him with a wave of my hand. "Just find something, okay? The kitchen is through that door, I'll be right back." I ran up the stairs two at a time, barely catching my breath as I flopped down on my bed. "What the hell am I doing?!" I ran a hand through my hair with an exasperated sigh.

A month ago I would never even think of doing something behind my moms back, and now here I was with a boy in the house while she was away at work. And not just any boy, Haru- the one boy she apparently despised more than she despised me. I stood up and pulled open my closet, grabbing some clothes off of the hangers with a sigh. Everything about what I was doing felt completely and utterly wrong, but oddly enough, right as well. Like this is how I should have been living my life by now. It was like an exhilarating shot of adrenaline directly to my heart.

Another thing to tackle, was whether or not I considered Haru a friend. Considering the fact that he was now in my kitchen doing god knows what, and that he'd been kind enough to let me use his umbrella not once- but twice, I would have to say yes. However, he was an odd kid, so maybe he was just being nice. It would be common courtesy to aid someone in need, but not unless they were familiar enough with someone to call them a friend.

I heard a crash from downstairs and let out a low groan. "Of course, who was I to trust that idiot?" I sighed and pulled my pajamas off and replaced them with my selected clothes. "Haru!" I shouted. "I better not come downstairs to a mess or so help me!" He didn't respond, and I hoped it was because he was picking up whatever his mess was. I pulled my hair back in a quick braid and rushed back down the stairs two at a time. "What happened?"

"Nothing." It clearly didn't look like nothing, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"That doesn't look like nothing." I smirked, taking in his now flour covered appearance. "Hang on, let me get you a towel okay?"

He nodded and I passed by him to get to the bathroom. "Hey Haru," I hummed lightly as I wet a washcloth in the sink.

"What is it?" He snapped, and I realized he must have switched or whatever that thing he did was.

"Are we friends or what?" I turned around. "Cause I think thats something we should decide now before-" I bit back a giggle as I headed back towards the kitchen. "Before I go behind my moms back for you again."

"What kind of a question is that?" He appeared in the doorway just as I did, causing me to bump into him and fall backwards.

A plume of smoke erupted from the kitchen, and I coughed as I fanned it away. "What the hell?" I coughed. "What the-" When the fog was cleared away, a cow sat in Haru's place, looking Dazed. "What the Hell?"
Word Count: 1021 Words

✔Summer Rain |Fruits Basket| HatsuHaru SohmaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon