30- Isuzu

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"Why exactly do we have to come along?" Yuki grumbled, shuffling along the sidewalk. "And why does he have to come too?"

"Hey you damn rat!" Kyo shouted, getting up in Yuki's face. "I don't want to be here any more than you!"

"Boys-" Shgure let out a deep sigh, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know why Akito's summoned us either, could you please behave for even ten minutes?"

Yuki huffed, nodding. "Yeah."

The three continued down the path towards the main house, the air between them dense with annoyance. Hatori had called Shigure shortly after the boys got home, asking if they could come straight to the estate. Shigure practically had to lug the boys out of the house, given that neither of them liked the estate much, and for valid reasons.

"Shi-chan!!" Shigure turned his head to the left, catching sight of a tuft of yellow hair as Momiji ran over the path.

"Momiji-san!" Shigure waved. "Where are you going?"

"Akito-san summoned me!" He said, swinging his arms in a balancing motion. "What about you? Yuki, Kyo, you never come to the estate!"

"Akito summoned us as well-" Yuki spoke, his face screwing up into a look of confusion. "Do you know why?"

"Nein! I asked Ritsu-chan if he wanted to walk with me and he said he wasn't summoned! Kisa or Hiro-chan either!"

"How peculiar." Shigure hummed lightly. "Well, since you're here, would you like to walk with us?"

"Sure!" He giggled, falling into formation behind the two older boys. "Hey Yuki! What do you think Akito wants?"

"I don't know, do you know who else was summoned?" He asked, looking down at the bunny spirit.

The boy shook his head, singing to himself. "I wonder if its just us boys?"

"Ritsu and Hiro aren't coming, idiot." Kyo grunted. "What about Haru?"


"Speak of the devil, and he shall appear." Shigure chuckled, watching Haru walk up the path ahead of them. "Were you summoned to see Akito as well?"

"Yeah." He sighed heavily. "I was sleeping too."

"I'm curious, what could they want with the six of us?" Shigure mused, pressing past Haru. "Anything come to mind Haru?"

Haru just shrugged. "Beats me. It's probably something pointless."

The group stopped outside of the main house, greeting the head maid who stood outside. "Hello sirs. Please make your way inside, Akito-san will see you shortly."

"Thank you miss." Shigure bowed, slipping off his shoes in the entrance.

The boys followed suit, following behind him closely as they passed maid after maid to get up to the second floor where Akito was. Yuki and Haru quietly conversed between each other, while Momiji and Shigure teased Kyo.

When they arrived outside Akito's room, they lined up silently. "Akito, it's Shigure." Shigure spoke, knocking on the door once.

There was the sound of soft whispers from behind the door, and after a few seconds, the door slid open. In that moment the only audible sound from anyone- was a sharp choked inhale from Haru's mouth as he watched Rin appear in the doorway.

"I'm glad you all could make it!" Akito sneered from inside, snapping their fingers together once. "Come, come! I'm so glad to see you all, my precious zodiac."

The silence was deafening as the group entered the room, Haru's piercing gaze still focused in on Rin. Rin, who now sat at Akito's side opposite Kureno, her hands in her lap and that same quiet expression on her face.

"Do you know why I summoned you all here?" Akito asked, running a finger along the floorboards. "Are you surprised, Haru?"

"You bastard-" Haru hissed under his break

"What could you possibly need with us, Akito?" Shigure asked, cutting him off. His eyes were thin and teasing, and a part of him looked as though he was enjoying every bit of what was happening in front of him.

"Everyone in this room that I have summoned, has created some sort of bond with Haru's love interest." Akito smiled wide, their lips thin and tight. "Mei, right?"

"What are you doing?" Yuki frowned, glancing at Haru from the side of his eye. "Is that why you summoned us?"

"Look. Last time I was kind about the topic. But it seems to me that you've grown too close for comfort." Akito stood up. "Haru, what do you see in Mei?"

Haru froze, his whole body going rigid. "Aki-"

"Isuzu." Akito pointed.

"Yes, Akito?" The girl stood up, coming to their side.

"Kyo, tell me a difference between Mei and Isuzu." Akito sighed. "Quickly."

Kyo opened his mouth, eyes flickering between Rin and Haru. He thought hard for a solid moment, then hung his head. "I can't."

"You bastard!" Haru shouted, going to stand up from the ground. "Is that what this is about?! You brought her-" He motioned to Rin. "For this?!"

"Haru!" Yuki snapped, grabbing his cousins arms and forcing them together. "Let it go."

"Haru, how do you feel about Mei?" Akito asked, cocking their head. "Answer truthfully please, I don't have all day."

"Please- stop-" Haru grumbled, shrinking against Yuki's chest. "I'm not answering your questions."

"They're the same." Akito hummed. "Isn't that right? You saw something in Mei that reminded you of Isuzu? And because I won't let you have your precious Isuzu, you found someone good enough to take her place?"

"Thats not it!" Momiji shouted.

"Shut up!"

"Ha. I knew it." Akito chuckled. "Now do you see why I brought you all here? When I get rid of her memories, I want you all to remember that image. Cool, calm and collected Haru, limp and pitiful on the floor." They scoffed, tugging Haru's head up by his hair. "Got it?"

"Akito, that's enough." Hatori spoke up, placing his arm on Akito's shoulder. "I think he understands."

"Then you're all excused." Akito sighed, slumping back against Kureno's chest. "I'm tired, you all tired me out. I don't want to look at you anymore."

The younger boys all looked between each other, standing up silently.

"Haru, lets go." Hatori spoke in a hushed tone, his eyes blazing with anger towards the situation. "I'll take you all to Shigure's and talk this over."
Word Count: 1049 Words

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