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  "Where are we going?"  I asked, running to keep up with him.

  He brushed past Hatori in the doorway with a glare.  "We're leaving, idiot."

  "What about my memories?"  I asked.  "I've come to the conclusion that it must be done, to protect your secret.  So if you guys have to-"

  "Shut up and walk."  Haru sighed, slowing down as we disappeared from the sight of the office.  "You're not losing your memories."

  "I'm not?"  I perked up, coming to a stop by the entrance of the estate.

  "No."  He shook his head, tugging at my arm to continue walking.  "The head decided to allow you to keep them."

  "Oh wow!  They must be such a kind person then!  Remind me to thank them!" 

  Haru laughed loudly.  "Yeah, whatever."  He smiled, slowing to a leisurely pace.

  I found myself admiring his laugh, then sighed.  "Okay, I have questions."

  ”I know you do.”  He chuckled, craning his neck down to look at me.  ”Hatori told me to take you to Shigure’s, he'll leave him a message.”  He let out a low sigh and a grimace.

  ”Oh?”  I questioned, cocking my head.  ”And I guess you don't want to go there?”

 He rolled his eyes, shrugging off my comment.   ”Ill give you a brief run down of everything, Shigure can go more in detail when we get there.”  He sighed.  ”There are thirteen members of the zodiac, and we transform into the animals when we bump into a member of the opposite sex.  Im the ox-”  I snickered a little, thinking about the dopey little cow I saw in the kitchen.  He ignored me, but not before giving me a small shove and continuing.  ”And eleven of the others correspond with the eleven other main zodiac.”

  I hummed, kicking a rock along the road.  “Is that why Sohma-san pushes the girls away when they confess to him at school?”  I asked.  “He is quite famous with the girls, I’d assume that would make it difficult for him to attend a mixed gender school, right?”

  Haru nodded.  “Yuki was the first of us to attend kaibara after Shigure and Hatori in the eighties.  Before that, the head of the family made us all go to either all boys or all girls schools.”

  “Will I get to meet the head of the family?”  I asked, stopping briefly as we neared the bottom of the mountain.  

  “If you’re lucky, no.”  He frowned at me, passing by me and heading across the little wooden bridge.  “You don’t want to meet them.”

  “What’s their name?”  I asked, running after him.

  “Akito Sohma.”  He said.  “I’ll say this once, you want to stay far away from them.”

  He seemed off put by the idea of the head, so I shook it off and we walked silently up the stairs.  I practically vibrated in excitement, something I hadn’t felt in years.  This was the most thrilling thing to happen to me since before dad left, and of course Haru was the cause of it.  

  At the top of the stairs, Kyo and Tohru sat on the front porch, playing a game of chess.  “Tohru-chan!”  I waved as we broke to the top.

  “Mei-chan!”  She exclaimed, standing up.  “Hello!  Hatsuharu-san!”

  “What are you two doing here?”  Kyo asked, crossing his arms.  “I thought you were just returning her sweater?”

  “Where’s Shi?”  Haru asked, grabbing Kyo by the collar and dragging him off to another part of the house, leaving Tohru and I alone.

  “Would you like some tea?”  Tohru asked, picking up the chess set.  “I started some for Sohma-san, but he’s out at his secret base!”

  I smiled, handing her some of the chess pieces.  “Sure, I’d love some!”  I replied.

  She made her way into the kitchen, fumbling around in the cupboard for some cups.  “Why did you and Hatsuharu-san come back to Shigure-sans?”  She asked, producing two pastel pink cups.

  I watched as she poured the tea.  “Well,”  Did she know about the curse as well?  “He returned my sweater and my mother is out of the house for a while.  So we decided to come here.”

“I’m glad to see you and Hatsuharu-san have become friends!”  She smiled widely, handing me my cup.

I opened my mouth to agree when I was cut off.

  “Yes, me too.  Haru always has been extremely poor at making friends Mei-”  Shigure spoke up in my ear, making me jump.  “It’s so wonderful of you to join us Mei!  Now!  What’s this about?  This is such a sudden visit Haru!”

  Haru rolled his eyes.  “Where’s Yuki?”

  “Right here-”  Sohma-san waved from the kitchen door.  “Hello Chiyu-san.”

  “Sohma-San.”  I nodded with a small smile.

  “What’s going on?”  He asked, taking in the huddle of people in the room.

  “The funniest thing!  Hatori called me, and said that Haru and Mei were on their way over!  With some very-”  Shigure tilted his head in a suggestive manner towards Yuki and Kyo “Important news.”

  “Well then we should all sit at the table!”  Tohru exclaimed.  “Important news is best taken sitting down!”

  We all made our way to the sitting room, and sat down on the floor around the little dining table.  I bit my lip nervously, suddenly very aware of everyone’s stare.

  “Okay-”  Kyo said.  “What is this so called import-”

 “Mei discovered the secret this morning.  Akito is letting her keep her memories.”  Haru said, shoving his hands in his pockets and leaning against the wall.

  “What!?”  Tohru asked, jumping up.  “Really!?”

  “Hmm-”  Shigure hummed, smirking.  “Is that so?”  He stood up, pulling me up with him.  “Tell me, what did you think of Haru’s form?”

  “Would you quit being a pervert for a moment?”  Sohma-san sighed.  “Chiyu-san, is this true?”

  I nodded.  “Yes.  Haru and Hatori told me everything-  I’m sorry for intruding, but I don’t mind, really!”

  Sohma-san turned to face Haru, staring at him for a moment.  Haru stared back silently, a bored expression on his face.  “That bastard-”  Sohma-san muttered, turning back.  “Well, it’s nice to have you in our family Chiyu-san, please call me Yuki, we’re going to be much closer now.”  He extended his hand out with a soft smile.

  I paused, taken aback.  “Call me Mei- Yuki-san.”  I smiled, taking his hand.  “Thank you for accepting me into your family.”
Word Count: 1078 Words

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