33- Regret

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"I'm sorry-" Hatori spoke as soon as we stepped outside of the main house. "I should have told Akito to watch their tongue."

"It's-" I paused, kneeling down in the grass beside the door. "It's okay. Please don't feel like you need be hold yourself accountable."

"Should I call a car for you? If you'd like, Haru's home is just around the corner, I can walk you there." He spoke gently, extending one hand and fishing his phone out of his pocket with the other.

I nodded, taking his hand slowly. "I'm sorry-" I mumbled under my breath. "This is my fault, isn't it? I'm just worrying you all for no reason."

He lead me down the path, his lips pursed and pointed. We walked up a flight of stairs to a door, which Hatori knocked on briefly. "Haru?"

"What." He snapped, and I frowned, bringing my arms to my chest.

"I brought Mei, safe and sound." He sighed heavily.

There was a loud bang from somewhere inside the apartment, and suddenly the door flung open. "Mei."


"Are you alright? Did Akito touch you at all?" He asked, bringing his hands to my shoulders as he examined me.

"No, she's just fine. A bit shaken up perhaps, but Akito didn't lay a hand on her." Hatori spoke up. "I'm leaving her with you. I think you two have some- things to talk about."

"Thank you, Hatori." I turned, bowing to him. "I'm sorry for any trouble I may have caused. Please, thank Akito for giving me the time to see them."

"Of course." He nodded. "Haru- tell her the truth."

Haru grunted, taking my hand as he shut the door on Hatori. "I'm so glad you're okay. I was so- so worried about you." He moved us over to the couch in the center of the room, sitting me down beside him. "What happened?"

"It was horrible." I mumbled, bringing my knees to my chest. "I'm so sorry you have to live like this."

He tsked, bring his knees up to mirror my position. "Did they say anything to you?" He sounded worried, his voice wavering.

"Yes." I bit my lip, looking over at him. "I met Isuzu-san."

His face fell, his eyes narrowing. "That bastard-"

"She's very pretty, and she seemed really nice." I started. "But-"


I chewed on my lip now, thinking back to what Isuzu and Akito said about Haru and I'm friendship. "Do you actually like me Haru?"

"Oh fuck off with that Mei, of course I do."

"Isuzu-san said that you were- using me." I said softly, looking out the window across the room. I could see the top of the main house from where we sat. "Because you loved her, and Akito took her from you."

"Fuck. Mei-"

"Is that true? I just need to know where we stand. I can't deal with any more stress in my life." I glanced over at him. "Please."

"I loved Isuzu- Rin." He avoided my eyes, staring at the television. "The week before we met, Akito pushed Rin out of a window and she almost died. After that, Rin distanced herself from me completely and moved to be at Akito's side. When I saw you, you reminded me of her."

"So I was just a rebound for your friendship with her?" I frowned, wringing my hands into the fabric of the couch.

"I thought- maybe you could replace her." He hung his head, his voice hushing to a whisper. "You both looked so similar to me then, and I was just getting a grasp on everything that was happening."

I stood up, staring down at him. "Has it been like this the whole time? Me being a replacement?"

"Mei- please sit down." His voice was on the verge of frantic, pleading. "As soon as I talked to you, I realized you were nothing like Rin. And I couldn't get her out of my mind, I wanted to protect her." He let out a shaky breath.

"I need to go."


"I can't do this. I've got too much to deal with now and this- I just can't. Haru, I'm sorry."


"Just- tell me how you feel about me now?" I asked softly, my hand on the front door handle. "Are we friends, or am I still just her replacement?"

"You were never a replacement!"

"Well it sure sounds like that."

"As soon as you spoke I knew you two were as different as night and day! We are friends Mei! Please don't do this."

"I just need to think things over. Rethink the last few months." I opened the door, turning back to stare at him nervously. "I- I think I like you Haru. Just- give me some time to think, alright?"

"You- do? Mei I-" He stood up abruptly, walking up to me. He leaned down, taking my face in his hands. "I love you Mei."

"Please don't do this to me." I sniffed, closing my eyes. "I don't know if I can believe you."

"Would this help?" He asked, bringing his face to mine.

He locked lips with me, and I could all but feel my heart shattering in my chest. I kissed back, letting go of the doorknob to hold onto his shirt. I felt all of his anger and sadness from the last few weeks coming through the kiss, and when he pulled away, I gave him a small shake of my head.

"I can't." I spoke softly. "I'm not the right person. Please don't make this harder than it needs to be, you and I aren't in any place to make these claims." I smiled sadly, bring a hand up to his cheek. "Give me some time, alright?"

He looked down at me, a look of hurt in his eye. "Yeah. Whatever." He grabbed the doorknob, tugging the door open until the handle slammed into the wall. "Just don't come back to the estate. It's not safe for you here."

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, feeling the tears finally coming to my eyes in a flood of tiny pin prick like stings. "Goodbye Haru, I'll see you at school."
Word Count: 1036 Words

Heheheheh the angst is real with this one baes :)

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