5- Ice Cold

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 Hey!  I wanted to give you guys something to read while I was away so here's a chapter!  I know I haven't been as active in this book but I hope to be more active while I'm gone :)  Enjoy

"I've never seen Miss Chiyu respond to anyone like that."  Yuki said, watching the Vice President walk off down the hall.

  "Yeah-"  Kyo nodded.  "I though she was just some stick in the mud frigid bit-"  He was cut off by a look from Yuki, who motioned his eyes towards Haru.

  Haru stood silently in the middle of the hall, a cool yet spaced out look on his face.  It would seem normal, Haru was a relatively spacey guy, but only a few moments before he had gone completely dark.

  "Haru?"  Yuki asked, careful not to provoke any further dark attitude from his cousin. 

  Haru stirred slightly, coming back into focus from his odd attitude.  "I'm fine."  He coughed, stepping away from the group of Sohmas and heading down the hall after Mei.

  Yuki, Kyo and Momiji looked between each other, clearly confused by his unnatural behaviour brought about by Mei's scolding.  Instead of behaving as his dark self from the authoritative tone in her voice, he'd come out of his dark personality.  That in itself was something the Sohmas rarely ever saw from him and certainly was worth questioning at a later time.

  "Mei!  I'm sorry!"  Makato yelped as I tugged on his ear.

  "Don't provoke the first years you idiot!"  I shouted, slamming the door to the student council room shut behind us.

  "Did you see their clothing!?  Indespicable behaviour!  A girls uniform?  That boy should have more pride in himself!  And that- that white haired freak!  And they have the audacity to call themselves Sohmas?!"

  I pulled out a chair and sat down, ignoring his daily mindless babble.  If it weren't the first day I probably wouldn't have bothered but we had to make a good impression on the first years- distracting uniforms or not.

  Although Makato and I definitely had one thing we agreed too, and that was Haru was sort of strange.  He had that same odd attitude today where one minute he was normal and the next minute he was trying to bite someone's head off.  If I didn't know any better, I'd say he had some sort of personality disorder that made him change like a flip of a switch.

  "You seemed pretty chummy with the Sohmas Mei."  Makato said, pulling away from where he had been standing dramatic as ever beside the window to stare me down.

  "You're just mad that I can talk to Sohma-san without my head exploding like a normal person."  I pointed out.  "And I'm not chummy with them.  I'm not chummy with anyone, remember?"

  "Ah yes, the whole ice cold facade.  Absolute bullshit by the way."  He sat down at his desk and folded his hands under his chin.  "You seemed to be pretty familiar then-"  He corrected.  "With the Sohmas."  He gasped.  "Are you keeping secrets from me!?"  He jumped up suddenly, rushing over to me.

  "You are the dumbest idiot I've ever met."  I sighed.

  "But I'm also your best friend!"  He grinned foolishly.  "Now tell me what's going on with you and the Sohmas!"
  "You're being dramatic."  I frowned.  "There's nothing interesting about me or the Sohmas, I just met Haru once over the summer is all.  Sohma-san and I were just dissolving a fight between Mister Sohma and the two of his cousins."

  "Those two new boys better learn to sharpen up, we don't need them making any trouble for Yuki!"

  "I don't think they'd be much trouble.  Haru is kinda mean looking, but he really is a softy on the inside-  Most of the time."  I corrected, thinking back to his outburst at Makato earlier and the whole bathroom incident.

  Makato looked at least a little pleased with my answer and returned back to his seat at the head of the table to start his homework.

  I sighed, laying my head down on the table.  The day had gone over without much action, and I had only seen the two first year Sohmas once at lunch time.  Sohma-san apologized multiple times over the day for his cousins actions, but I didn't think it was enough to get involved with.

  Speaking of Sohmas, after the last bell I'd have to give Hatori-san a call and go to the address that he gave me so he could do his check up on me from last week.  I still didn't know why he was going out of his way for me, although he did mention a Yuki- who I assumed was Sohma-san last week, who had a similar condition to myself.

  The bell rang overhead and I gathered my stuff carefully off the table to head out into the hall.  The halls were already rushed with loud students so I stuck to the wall, trying not to have to make small talk with any of them.  I wasn't anti-social, in fact I loved to talk to people.  It was one of my favourite things to do when I wasn't busy.  But mom prefered I kept friends with people who she deemed appropriate- people like Makato and Sohma-san.  So it was easier just to pretend people weren't there and ignore any unnecessary talk.  Of course I'd smile back if someone smiled at me, and if I had to authorative as Vice President I would, but I didn't have the guts to do anything past that.


  I let out a deep sigh as Haru came into my peripheral vision to my left.  "Hello."  I said, keeping it simple so he'd get the message and leave.  Not that I wanted him to, he was a nice guy to have around.

  "You certainly made a show this morning."  He said, either not getting the message or completely ignoring it.  Something told me it was the second one though.  "Kyo called you just some stick in the mud frigid bitch."

  I cringed, biting back whatever sad feeling washed over me.  "I'm sorry he feels that way."  I said softly, clutching my books tighter to me.

  "But from what I can tell-"  He sounded like he was smiling as he spoke.  "You're acting like a stick in the mud.  You're a liar."

  "Hey!"  I gasped, looking up at him angrily. 

  "Gotcha!"  He smirked, crossing his arms.  "I knew you couldn't keep up that dumb act around me.  I'm just too cool."

  "Don't get a big head dumbass."  I said, looking around to make sure no one was watching us.  Obviously they weren't.  "And I am not some stick in the mud, I'm just-"  I pursed my lips thinking.  "I'm school-oriented.  I don't have any need to talk to amyone."

  "Right.  Well, I just wanted to let you know that I'm not buying your little act."  He laughed.  "See ya round Mei."

  He disappeared in the crowd before I could answer and I let out a deep sigh.  If he kept this up, I'd for sure break around him and probably around all the other students and my mom would have a fit.
Word Count: 1214 Words

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