19- Trust

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"Leave her be. I'll stay with her a few more minutes." Makato spoke in a hushed voice, pushing the papers away from Mei's sleeping form.

"Are you sure she's alright? She's never fallen asleep in the middle of a meeting." Yuki frowned, glancing at her one last time. He'd only just gotten to know her, but he knew well enough from being her classmate that this wasn't a normal occurrence.

Makato grimaced lightly, glancing down at his friend. "I don't think so." He spoke honestly. "She's very stressed."

Yuki nodded. "Alright. I'll take on her work for the time being. Make sure she gets enough rest, I'll have someone look out for her." He stepped out of the room, nearly bumping into his white and black haired cousin who was not so subtly listening in with a frown on his face. "That means you." Yuki pointed, as if he had been aware of his presence the entire time. "I trust you'll watch out for her."

"Tch-" Haru glanced out the window. "Get home Yuki, you don't want to get sick in the cold."

Yuki smiled slightly, nodding. "Goodnight Haru." He chuckled, turning around and heading down the hall.

"Yo." Haru said, stepping into the student council room. "Get your ass up Mei."

"Hatsuharu!" Makato gawked, crossing his arms in anger. "How dare you came waltzing in here like you own the place? And to wake up Chiyu-san?"

"Mei." Haru huffed, toeing the sleeping girl with his foot. "Come on, I'm taking you to Hatori's."

"Huh?" She glanced up sleepily, her eyes widening when she saw him standing over her. "Shit! Did I fall asleep!? Where's Yuki and Makato?!"

"Right here Mei, it's alright-" Makato placed a hand on his panicked friends shoulder. "I didn't want to wake you, Yuki just left a moment ago."

Haru watched as Mei took a moment to calm herself, an eerie chill about the room as he saw a different side to the normally calm girl.

"Is it dark out?" Mei asked nervously, peering out from behind her dark hair.

"Yeah." Haru nodded.

"Fuck." Mei hissed, tugging out her phone. "I've got to call my mom, do you mind if I step out for a minute?"

"Mei, you're going to Hatori's first." Haru said firmly, glaring down into her eyes. "Tell your mom you're going to this dumbasses house." He shot a thumb towards Makato, who gawked loudly.


Hatori needs to look you over. That's final." Haru snapped.

Mei saw the darkness looming behind his eyes and nodded weakly, stepping out into the hallway.


"Hey mom?" I spoke softly, not wanting to anger Haru further in his dark state in the other room.

"Where are you?" She snapped on the other end. "School got out hours ago!"

"I had a council meeting with Sohma-san and Makato-san. I am sorry, I lost track of time." I hung my head. "I was wondering if it was alright if I stayed at Makato's for the night, just so I don't have to walk across town? You trust him."

She hummed on the other end, the drumming of her fingers on her keyboard loud. "I suppose that's alright. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon?"

"Yes, I have off the rest of the week." I nod.

"Alright, goodnight Mei." She sighed and hung up.

I sighed, leaning against the wall with my face in my hands. First I arrived late to school, then I fell asleep during a meeting? And on top of that, Haru was pissed at me for some reason. I gulped, not really wanting to go in there and face his anger.

"Are you ready?" Haru's voice came from beside me suddenly, his hand on my elbow.

I glanced over, making eye contact with him as I stood up straight. "I can just go home, it's no big deal." I said curtly, brushing him off nervously.

"No, you're being an idiot." He huffed, falling into pace beside me as we walked down the hall. "Why did you fall asleep? I thought you were miss prim and proper?"

"Haru-" I snapped, glaring at him. "I lost track of time and it got late."

"The president said you were stressed."

"Oh so he's the president now?" I lulled, stepping out into the warm night. "Makato doesn't know what he's talking about. He's just trying to put answers to my problems and he-" I stopped, cutting myself off. "Nevermind. Why can't you just take my god damn answer?"

"I'm worried."

I glanced up at him, immediately think about what Yuki had said. "I'm sorry." I hung my head, feeling bad about my attitude. "I'm just tired and overworked." He stayed silent, and I continued. "I've got a lot of pressure on me to be at the top of my class, and to be in the student council. Makato is trying his best to help me but- its just not enough." I wrapped my arms around myself, feeling chilly even though it was the middle of summer.


I turned around, seeing that Haru was stopped a few feet away. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't be unloading my issues on you." I hung my head. "I'm sorry Haru-"

"Its fine." He sighed, walking so he was standing in front of me. "You can tell me anything, got it? I'm not gonna get pissed or go dark or whatever. And stop fucking apologizing."

"I'm s- Okay. Thank you." I mumbled.

"When we get to Hatori's, you have to tell him the truth, none of your bullshit this time." He spoke bluntly, staring up at one of the street lights. "Are you still tired?"

"A little bit." I nodded truthfully. "But I'm alright, I promise."

He groaned, definetly not believing me. "I'm going to pick you up. You're going to go back to sleep and you aren't going to complain about it."

Wha- Haru you can't pick me up! I'm just as tall as you and You'll transfo-!" He cut me off by covering my mouth with his hand.

"Just shut up." He huffed, linking his arms beneath my knees and lifting me off the ground. "Go to sleep."

"I can't believe this. This is so embarrassing." I groaned. "How are you not transforming? You should be a cow right now."

"I don't get how this curse works either, to be honest." He shrugged, continuing our walk towards the estate. "As long as there is minimal contact between us I won't transform I guess."

"Oh." I hummed, getting used to the sway of his walk. It was kind of nice actually, but I would never tell the asshole that. I closed my eyes, laying my head against his shoulder to try and get more comfortable. "Thanks." I mumbled softly, letting a much needed rest wash over me as he held me.
Word Count: 1145 Words

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