Chapter 25-Martha

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Almost done... two more files to examine.

The day had just started, I was stuck working the phones and paperwork in the P.A.C.U (Post Anesthesia Care Unit). I lost track of the amount of calls I picked up or how many times my pen marked a piece of paper in one file. Turning my head I examined the monitor, it displayed every patient on the floor and their vitals. An extra precaution to the regular rounds that are made to ensure they aren't coding.

"Here you are." The words were followed by the tap of a paper coffee cup on the counter. When I looked up I saw bright gray-silver eyes. I tried to suppress a smile as I took the coffee and pulled it close to me.

Bringing it to my lips and closing my eyes, the hot liquid was exactly how I liked it and exactly what I needed, "God I needed this. I forgot to stop at the coffee cart on my way this morning." I looked at Mason who had an amused look in his eyes, "Dr. Reyes, what's got you in such a good mood?"

He moved his shoulders up and down, "People are allowed to be in a good mood for no reason, you know."

I chuckled, turning to the monitor checking on the patients. Mason leaned over the counter slightly and pointed to the screen, "By the way, I just put that one in."

"Room 205?"

"Yea, his name's Jeremy, a 10 year old boy who came in for an emergency Cholecystectomy," removal of the gallbladder " and now we were just monitoring him and waiting for him to wake up." He explained.

I nodded along as I continued to drink the coffee. I couldn't stop. It was so good. Mason was shaking his head at me as he noticed that I was like a baby with a bottle. "That coffee is gonna hit you really hard if you keep drinking it like that."

"Worth it." He chuckled and began walking away.


More files kept appearing from passing doctors and nurses that had just finished their rounds. The pen marking and file sorting went on for several hours, while I kept glancing at my empty coffee cup.

I can't wait for lunch.

My thoughts were interrupted when the computer's monitor started flashing bright red, indicating an emergency. I wheeled my chair forward and saw the number clear as day: 205.


I immediately jumped up and ran for the patient's room. The blaring sound of the monitor filled my ears the closer I got. There was a nurse standing there looking lost, "What the hell happened?!".

She jumped at the sound of my voice, "I-I-I don't know, I was just here to drain the catheter and then his vitals started to drop." Based on how she was reacting it had to have been her first week.

Looking down at her uniform, her I.D badge said Peggy. "Peggy, page Dr. Reyes, now!" she immediately ran out nodding her head.

The first thing I started with was looking at his surgical wound. Sure enough the sutures weren't holding properly and there was blood slowly leaking. It looked like the organs on the inside were trying to push their way out. Which meant they were swelling. Grabbing gauzes that were on the side, I applied pressure to delay the bleeding.

Joseph, one of my fellow nurses on call, came rushing in, "What do you need?!"

"His surgical wound isn't holding properly, I need you to monitor his airway. We may need to intubate, Dr. Reyes is on his way!"

Jeremy wasn't intubated because he should have been able to breath on his own. Cholecystectomy was considered a relatively safe procedure, I knew everyone was confused on how the hell this happened. As I continued to apply pressure blood was seeping through my fingers, I quickly grabbed more gauzes. "Shit!" Joseph cursed under his breath. My head whipped in his direction with wide eyes.

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