Chapter 8-Martha

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"Dammit Lori! You don't just sneak up on people like that." I said, clutching my chest. I was in the locker room changing into my blue scrubs, when I closed the locker door and was face to face with an aggravated looking Lori.

"You look like hell." I know I look like hell, that's what happens when your husband shatters your heart into a million pieces.

"Good Morning to you too." I folded my clothes and placed them inside my locker neatly. Sitting on the bench I slipped on my sneakers as Lori stood beside me leaning on the lockers. I finished getting myself together by tying my hair back into a ponytail. I realized Lori was still leaning against the lockers in silence. When I finally looked up I was met with her staring me down. "Can I help you?"

"You gonna tell me what's going on?" Act stupid.

"Nothing's going on. Just haven't been getting much sleep, that's all." I shrugged standing up and moving passed her to clock in. I swiped my ID badge through the system and hit the green button on the screen to confirm. As I turned Lori was blocking me in.


She scoffed, "You're hiding something."

"No I'm not." Liar

She tilted her head and looked at me like I was dumb. "Uhh yes you are," she said with pure confidence.

"Lori, I don't know what to tell youuu—", she started to lean into me, the closer her face got the more I was able to see her features very clearly. Her makeup was done to perfection, she smelled of lavender and her lips were very glossy. I began taking a step back only to have her take another one forward. I tried to reason my way out, "Lori we're going to be late for rounds."

"Not my fault." The fuck you mean?!

"Not your fault?! You are literally the one keeping us from going anywhere." The final step I took landed my back against the shower wall. Lori was standing in front of me with her arms crossed.


"Lori I'm not doing this right now."

"When then? Huh? Because you've been avoiding me." She held up her hand before I could retort, stopping whatever lie I was going to come up with. "At first I didn't think anything of it, just thought you were extra stressed and decided to take you to the bar. Then that same night you called Ryan of all people. Ryan, someone you haven't spoken to in, what, two years. Then you go M.I.A all weekend and aren't returning any of my messages. I mean what the hell is going on?" She huffed out a breath after her winded rant.

"Lori I'm fine I—"

She took a step forward into my space with a stern face cutting my sentence short. "Lo juro por Dios! I will turn on the shower and drench your ass if you don't start talking!"

I opened my mouth but paused midway when I knew all that was going to escape were more lies.


"Have it your way then."

"Wait, don't!" In no time at all I felt a cold liquid drench every part of my scalp. I let out a slight squeal and went to move but Lori's hand was on my chest holding me in place.


"You are such a bitch!" The water was coming down freezing and fast. I felt the parts of myself that were dry slowly becoming soaked. The only logical response to this whole thing was to make her suffer as much as me. I put my arms out and grabbed her waist pulling her in for a hug.

"Martha! AAAAhhh!"  She yelled and I felt her arms flailing around. We tousled for a little bit before we tumbled out of the line of the water and onto the shower floor, panting and dripping wet. "Damn it Martha, I just wanted you to talk to me! I know something is wrong, Ryan told me you showed up to his house drunk, not being able to pick up your own daughter. I mean what could possibly make you—"

Everything & More (Book 1 in the E.C.N Series)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora