Chapter 54-Jonathan

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🚨WARNING: Explicit Content. This will be my first time putting out a little smut. Nothing too detailed and very quick. It's not the entire chapter just a section.

If that is not for you there will be  the following symbols:⚠️ as an indicator before and after so that you can scroll past.

So please enjoy and for those who do read by all means give any recommendations or tips.☺️


The drive back to the office was hell. It was like all the signs to not go back were throwing themselves right at my face. I must have hit every red light on the way. Then the cold coffee from this morning spilled all over the interior because some asshole cut me off. When I finally arrived I was struggling to find a decent parking spot in the main lot.

Walking to my office I passed by Jackie's and noticed that thankfully she wasn't in there. My assistant Gabe, was sitting at his desk typing away when he noticed me approaching. "Hey Gabe, did she leave?"

"Not the office, but once you hung up she stormed away and I haven't seen her since." I nodded understanding she was still lurking somewhere.

"Alright, do you have the papers she was trying to leave?"

He gave me an apologetic look, "No, she took those with her, said she would be back."

I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose, "I'm sorry you had to deal with that, Gabe."

"It's okay." Gabe and I had a silent understanding. He was fully aware of what happened between Jackie and I. He's my assistant. He isn't blind or deaf. It was clear he didn't approve but the last thing he was, was judgmental. "I'll give you a heads up if there's trouble coming."

I gave a small nod before entering my office. Going around my desk, I opened my briefcase taking out a pile of case files and dispositions. A manilla envelope that was smaller than the rest slipped and fell to the ground. Picking it up, the size and weight of it in my hands told me what it was. However, I would only be able to confirm it if I looked inside.

I took a deep breath as I opened the envelope. Slowly pulling the papers out, I read the title.

Fucking Divorce Papers

I tossed the envelope back onto the desk, closing my eyes. The envelope has been sitting in my briefcase ever since Martha gave them to me and tossed me out. I hadn't had the heart to look at them till now. Till our session where she was begging me to let her go.

I sat in my chair leaning back as I stared off into the corner of my office.

10 Months ago...

My attire for dinner tonight was almost complete as I tied my tie in the mirror trying to get it just right. The pitter-patter of feet running into the room filled my ears when my eyes caught sight of the little princess bouncing into our bedroom.

"Daddy, pwweeaasse can I come?"

A small smile appeared on my face as I spotted her in the mirror, "You know you can't princess, Mommy and Daddy are having a little night out."

Paige knew what she was doing, she popped open those big globes that matched my own in color, puckered her bottom lip just the right amount, and tilted her head to the side. If she was able to do this at 4 ½ I have no idea what kind of force of nature she is going to be when she is a teenager. I had to look away before I gave in.

God, I'm a sucker

"Alright, babe are you ready?" Martha asked, coming out of the bathroom. She was flattening out her dress with her hands when she looked up and caught me standing looking dumbfounded. "W-what?"

Everything & More (Book 1 in the E.C.N Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora