Chapter 59-Ryan

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A sense of immense pride came over me as I saw how happy Paige was with my gift. Martha had told me in passing that she couldn't find the latest Princess Sophia doll. I knew it was a long shot because stores were being drained of the product the minute they announced it. The damn toy was every parent's worst nightmare.

When I had no luck around town and in the city I contacted Greg. I remembered him telling me how Mateo was well connected to many investors. One of those investor friends being in the toy business. It never interested me until now. Explaining the situation, Mateo was excited to help. He said after how well I've been doing, taking on more responsibility and conducting myself within meetings, it was the least he could do.

I was speechless, the man was grooming me to be his successor and here he was thanking me.

Just seeing the smile on Paige's face was everything. Though now slightly hearing them arguing in the kitchen as I did my best to make sure Paige was distracted, I couldn't help but feel guilty.

I had given Lori a look a few minutes ago letting her know that I could hear them. If I could hear them then so could Paige if she actually decided to come down from her presents high. Thankfully she was completely entranced with her new toy.

Should I have not gotten the gift?


I checked my phone, Greg wishing me a Merry Christmas and that Mateo had a meeting with lawyers to help move the process along with my position within 'Precision Tires & Fixes'. It didn't elude me that Jonathan had been observing me since Martha and him got back from the kitchen. Martha and Paige exited the room getting her ready for the weekend while Lori eyed us as she reluctantly excused herself to go to the bathroom.

I felt that he was itching to say something but chose to sit in silence, which I was more than content with doing till the girls got back.

"Didn't expect to see you today." Never mind

Looking up I see him waiting for my response, "Honestly, neither did I."

Aimlessly scrolling on my phone again he says "What changed your mind? I don't think I've seen you around the holidays since I've known you." My finger paused on the screen as I processed his words. He was right, he had never seen me around the holidays. Though Jonathan knew damn well why. It wasn't a secret that I had officially become an orphan 2 years prior to meeting him. He had overheard a conversation between Martha and I but never pushed for further information.

Seeing as I didn't owe him an explanation I kept it brief, "Just wanted a change."

"I'm sure you did." He said bitterly.

Having had enough of the idle chit chat that Jonathan was so graciously providing me with I got up making my way to the kitchen. I went to the cabinets and fetched a clear cup, turning to the refrigerator to get myself some water. I downed the entire glass before taking a deep sigh and filling it again.

I just needed to prove to myself that I didn't have to feel so miserable today.

The words I spoke this morning to Martha continued to ring in my head. It was true for the first time, I didn't feel so miserable. At least not entirely.

The slow footsteps approaching the kitchen made me roll his eyes. "You following me?" I asked, still facing the refrigerator filling my glass again.

"I think I'm allowed to wander my own house." He said with a duh tone.

"Martha's." I said without missing a beat.

There was a pause before he spoke, "Excuse me."

I turned from the refrigerator to see him, "This is Martha's house. Last time I checked you don't live here anymore."

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