Chapter 16-Ryan

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"Okay, try again." The noise of the ignition clicking over and over again filled the auto shop. It was giving me a headache. This was my last fix for the day and I didn't want to leave it for tomorrow. "Dammit." I said, hitting the side of the car.

"You've made all the necessary adjustments, why isn't it turning on." Liam, the new hire said as he exited the car. He was a junior in high school still going through puberty. The wispy curly blonde hair, acne ridden face and glasses said it all. He said he wanted a mechanic job because he loved cars. Though I've talked to him enough to know he doesn't know a damn thing about them. I shrugged, grabbing the rag with the tools and wiping my hands of the grease that had accumulated. A honk came from behind us, gaining our attention. The car pulled right next to the neon lit sign that displayed 'Precision Fixes & Tires'. In it we saw a familiar short blonde haired woman with glasses in the driver's seat. "That's my mom... I could stay if you want." I looked at the wall clock above the office door: 10pm.

"Nah, I'm good. It's Friday night, you shouldn't be working so hard. I appreciate you working the graveyard shift. I'll see you on Monday." Liam nodded with a smile and grabbed his things before hopping into his mother's car.

The auto shop had the option to be open concept in the back if it wanted to. Late at night I liked having the garage doors wide open. We had four working stations, though all the doors in front of them were closed and mine was open. I liked feeling like I was at home working in my own garage. It gave me a sense of peace. I looked through my tool box and back at the opened hood of the car. I went over every move I made, trying to see if maybe I missed something.

I checked the battery and alternator... so what the fuck is wrong with it?

Grabbing the wrench I went back in and got to work. Music played in the background to keep me going and not make me feel like I was pulling the all-nighter that I was.


The music coming from my playlist repeated itself for the fourth time before I heard cursing coming from the office. I looked up to see a figure fluttering inside, it looked like pure clumsiness. Finally the door to the garage opened to reveal Garrett stepping out. He had on a black v-neck that was one size too small. It didn't help that he was built like a truck though he was short in stature. Garrett also had short black hair and hazel eyes. His uncle owned Precision Fixes & Tires. It was a huge franchise that practically had a place in every state of the country. Garrett managed this one so he was technically my boss. He looked up to see me, "You're still here?".

"Yea I got a car to fix." I motioned to the open hood.

He chuckled as he shook his head walking toward me, "My guy it's 2am. I ain't paying you overtime."

"Funny." I deadpanned. "You know me, don't like to leave anything unfinished."

"That I do. I had to pick up some papers for my Uncle to sign." He said holding up a stack in his hand.

"Speaking of, did you talk to him?"

"I did," he stayed silent, staring at me.

What the hell is he waiting for? "Don't make me beg."

"I don't know, making Ryan Mendoza beg might be good for my rep. Tell everybody how I finally got you on your knees." He began laughing.

I shoved one of his shoulders glaring at him, "Garrett stop fucking with me."

He looked away chuckling, "Alright, alright, he said he was impressed with how you handled the investors. Said even the investors were impressed too."

"Really?" I couldn't hide my surprise, this is something I've wanted for a long time but it's not something I exactly have the education for.

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