Chapter 49-Ryan

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"I'm not looking to make someone a rebound or attach myself to the first guy that was decent to me after my husband imploded my life."

I knew I shouldn't have been standing here. I just didn't want to wait for the elevator.

The door above opened and closed swiftly; as I looked up I saw Lori giving a light sigh from the conversation she just had with Martha and following in suit. Once the door closed again I finally relaxed and sat down on the steps.

Did I really hear all of that right?

After my meeting with the board and Mateo there was only one person I wanted to see. I didn't even find time to change. I just drove straight to the hospital. One of the elevators was down for maintenance and the other was already full. So I made my way into the side stairwell instead. I only just entered when I heard a commotion from above. When I looked I saw Martha but she seemed frustrated and overwhelmed. There was an instinct I had to go and make her feel better but I hesitated. Something told me to turn around and just talk to her later. Though when Lori started talking about feelings arising in Martha after reconnecting with a certain Friend, I needed to know.

"Lori I can't."

"Why not?"

"Look, we had this conversation already with your little theory that Ryan felt some type of way towards me."

They talked about me having feelings for Martha? Does she know?

"Now you are saying that I'm suddenly reciprocating those unconfirmed feelings?! Ry-ryan is my best friend, nothing more. I would never risk ruining that. Not after everything we went through. Besides, even if I... did admit... certain feelings have arisen. Like you said I'm human and attraction to another human being is not unheard of. I mean Ryan is not unattractive by any stretch of the imagination and I'm not blind so."

" can admit that you're attracted to Ryan?"

"Like I just said I'm not blind, yes I find him attractive."

"And do you ever feel flustered or a little hot and bothered when he's in your personal space?"

"W-well...h-he... and I... I mean I wouldn't c-call it flustered."

Martha is attracted to me?

There were times where I saw her body give a response to me but I would always just feel like I imagined it.

"Yea, sweetie I'm not even going to point out all the other shit I've witnessed I'll just tell you, you have a crush on that man." I heard Martha groan at Lori's observation. I couldn't stop the small grin that was coming over my face. I mean hearing this woman admitting that she was attracted to me and then her not denying the possibility of having a crush on me. My chest felt warm, it was something I only feel when I'm in Martha's presence. For the first time since Jonathan came into our lives I felt hope. Hope that I won't be left standing on the sidelines while I watch her be happy with someone else.

I heard Martha's voice again and zoned in the conversation, "Like you also said I am ending a 10 year relationship. Even if it was someone else other than Ryan that we were talking about it would still be a no. I'm not looking to make someone a rebound or attach myself to the first guy that was decent to me after my husband imploded my life."

The grin that adorned my face quickly slipped off. She was right. This is exactly what I was talking about when I spoke to Mason. How would I know it was real and not her running into the arms of the first guy that caught her? Though the real question was, now that I was aware of Martha's conflicting feelings for me, how was I going to keep my own in check.


I hate this suit

Yes, I was still in the damn suit and yes I was laying on the couch staring at the ceiling for the past hour and a half. After hearing that conversation, I took my leave from the hospital and went straight home. It seemed like the best option considering I didn't want to overwhelm Martha with my presence. She had just finished talking about me and I didn't want to give Lori the satisfaction. How could I go see her just so she could see a smug look come upon Lori's face just to tease her?

My phone was laying on the nightstand vibrating every now and again. I assumed it was just Garrett excited about the news and trying to plan when we could go out and celebrate.

Soon my phone started vibrating incessantly to the point that I pushed myself up and grabbed it. I saw I had 3 missed calls and a bunch of texts from Garrett. Yup he's definitely eager to celebrate. But there was one text from Martha; it was short and enticing.

Martha: I'm making my annual holiday sweets...😋

I bit down on my lip staring at the text, contemplating if I should keep my distance. Though that didn't last long considering I changed out of my suit and immediately hopped in the shower. I refreshed enough to give myself a reset. Then changed into a plain white tee and gray sweats. Within 30mins of seeing that text, I was leaning on the front door of her house; waiting with anticipation.

A few footsteps could be heard from inside making their way toward me. My heart was pounding in my chest causing me to silently laugh at myself and how Martha was capable of making me feel like a teenage boy again. 

The door soon opened revealing Martha with flour dusting her apron, bits on her face, arms and hands. Even in her baking mess she was beautiful. My eyes widened in amusement at the sight.  "You came?!." She said in surprise with a smile on her face.

"Where else would I be?"


A/N: What do you think? Will Ryan be able to resist temptation? 👀

Ryan when Martha introduced Jonathan for the first time:

Ryan when Martha introduced Jonathan for the first time:

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When Ryan hears Martha is attracted to him:

When Ryan hears Martha is attracted to him:

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