Chapter Thirty-Five

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She stands frozen at the opening of the alleyway. I feel a long trail of blood drip down my chin. My eyes widen and for the longest time, I keep still as though that will stop the train wreck happening in front of me. The only thing that makes me move again is the moaning and groaning from Marcus. Like excuse me bitch I'm over here havin' a fuckin' break down can you be quiet. Jeez.

I twist towards Marcus and speedily glance over his body once more. Hopefully, I hadn't missed any major injuries his clothes might've been hiding. Instead, I get an eyeful of this dumbass attempting to stand on his own to feet. Shaking my head I scamper off the sobbing excuse of a man lying under me and walk over to help him. Swinging his arm over mine I place my trembling hand around his back.

Dragging him forward I keep my eyes on the ground as we move. It's not like I'm avoiding my own mother's gaze - I am - after years of her thinking me dead or worse. A hand grips my head and gently tugs my head up. For a second I flinch away from the touch, the phantom grasp of cold, uncaring fingers and the unyielding scent of alcohol hits my nose.

Glancing up I stare into soft brown eyes and it takes everything not to drop Marcus. After weeks of dealing with hunger pains, the city, and this man I can't decide whether to feel grateful to, hate, or cower in front of, I finally have a face — a scent — I know I can trust.

"Samuel," I gasp out, "funny seein' you here." He raises an eyebrow but luckily doesn't voice out loud any of the questions I can see raging on his face. Instead, he turns to glare at Marcus. Shifting my gaze to the side I hope to the Goddess I won't have to deal with another fight already. I'm fucking exhausted and dealing with all these reunions — emotions — isn't' helping one bit.

Budging my way forward I walk us forward until we reach the car that had been our destination. At least before all this madness happened. I set Marcus on the seat as gentle as possible but from the grimace dancing across his face, it did no good. He squeezes his eyes shut and takes a deep breath before turning his icy gaze on me.

"I know you're dying to run off. Go on. I'll be alright," he tells me. Deep down I know he's right. I should be running for the hills. This is the man that had no mercy for me as he gave me to those twisted sons of bitches and let them torture me as they fucking pleased. Yet I'm hesitant to just abandon him just because I have my family again.

Taking my bottom lip I wear at it with my fangs though making sure not to draw blood. Marcus has been sure to break me of that habit. I was sure Marcus was worried about my blood showing but he'd just mutter under his breath before walking away.

"You're a jackass-", I start.

"Gee, thanks," Marcus snarks.

"But you've been decent. And even if you've had other motives I'm free 'cause of you," I tell him. Marcus' eyes start to soften just a bit. Coughing I get up. "Besides you're harder to kill when we fight," I tease him, walking around to the driver's side.

"Yeah, that's what I love to hear." Marcus rolls his eyes but keeps his arm firmly wrapped around his abdomen. Knowing there's nothing I can do I pretend not to notice the obvious grimaces he makes with each movement.

The sound of shoes tapping against the pavement causes me to jerk my head up. We've already been attacked once today and honestly, I doubt I can win another so soon. Especially when hunger is still tapping at my belly.

"So," Samuel starts " what's the plan?"

"Whatcha mean?" I ask

"Well despite the evil stench coming off this guy you seem fond of him. So wondering how you plan on getting him patched up. Plus don't think you ignoring your mom bypassed anybody's attention." I winch at his words. Chancing a look back I see Mom staring at me with this distance glint in her hazel eyes.

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