Chapter Thirty-Four

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Leaning back against the rough, uneven wall, I do my best to keep the attention of the crowd away from my figure. The lingering gaze of the busty woman across the way has me hunching me even further down - not that it helps much. When you're over six feet, people happen to take more notice.

I spot Marcus rounding the corner and almost let out a sigh of relief before noticing the woman attached to his side like a sea urchin. My mouth slams shut as I clench my teeth to keep my growl low. We both decided on me merely not stating the type of N.T. I am. Though that gets hard when my control seems to have plummeted to hell during my little vaca.

Luckily Marcus is preoccupied with his piece of the ass of the day. Otherwise, I definitely would've gotten hit for that slip-up. Marcus shoots me a look right before slipping into the inn, and I let out a groan while tugging at my locs. Sliding down, ignoring the stone scraping away the first layer of my skin, I relax, knowing he'll be awhile.

Pulling out our Print, I fiddle with the thing, still getting used to the small object. They're similar to phones in the way they work, but that's where the similarities end. Tapping on the glassy, onyx rock, I watch as a hologram-like image encircles the air in front of me. These things are so fucking cool and so fucking expensive. Though I do wonder who created them or, more like — what created them.

When I brought it up with Marcus, he got this thunderous expression on his face. He hadn't said anything, but I know it's one of those many topics that we're not to mention. It's hard to ignore the sting of citruses that blast my nose with every use, though.

Metal tapping across the pavement draws my attention up. I get the rare sight of a disheveled Marcus as he runs toward me at a breakneck pace. Before I even have time to question the situation, he's busting past me.

"Move your ass, Kid," he shouts over his shoulder, not slowing down in the least. Not wanting to find out what scared him shitless, I take off, making sure to match his pace pretty close. If I run just a little faster, nobody has to know. On the off chance we get caught, I'm not standing in anybody's way. He probably deserves it anyway.

We reach the edge of the market when Marcus tugs on my wrist. Not hesitating, I follow his lead. He cuts through some alleyways, and we quickly reach our car. I blink, unaware that the shortcuts were that helpful in these parts.

Of course, before we can jump into the car, a figure stops in front of Marcus, stopping us in our tracks — and he has back-up. Oh, joy, I might get my face smashed in today after all.

"Now, you can't be dumb enough to think we'd miss your pretense in the city?" the man asks. He steps forward until he's nose to nose with Marcus.

"Of course not," Marcus replies, and I pray to the Goddess that he keeps his attitude in check for five more minutes. I might not be living for a lot right now, but fuck it, I don't want to die today. "But you never were that smart," Marcus finishes. Letting out a deep sigh, I shut my eyes and rest my forehead on my palms. Please, Goddess, I don't ask for much, but can you make it quick.

The man grabs Marcus and throws him across the alley. Before I can even think of rushing to his side, I hear the click of a safety removing. I freeze when the barrel of a gun connects to the back of my neck. Usually, that wouldn't trip me up, but I learned the hard way that some guns are meant for Bobbies despite the low population of them this far East.

Marcus jumps to his feet but freezes when he spots my perilous position. His eyes wave between the man and me before taking a step back.

"What do you want, Hog?" he demands.

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