Chapter Thirty-Two

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Leaning my head against the window, I try to ignore the whole situation. Maybe if I pretend the man next to me doesn't exist, he'll vanish. From the way my head keeps banging against the dirt layered window, I doubt my wish came true. Sneaking peeks at the man didn't help me to understand his motives in the slightest.

The man - Marcus - has barely shown any emotion besides irritation since this whole thing has begun. His cool azure eyes had seemed like glaciers the few times I actually glanced into them. Nothing but coldness slipped out from his personality. I imagine bright, red hair in his stead and squeeze my fists tight when the pressure of tears threaten to overtake my sight.

A pinching sensation causes me to take a glimpse out my hands, and moon-like crescents now decorate my palms. Luckily the human can't see in the dark. The last thing I need is for him to think - realize - how unstable I am.

Looking out, I try to see where we are, but it just looks like he drives us to bum fuck of nowhere. Trees and greenery cover basically everything around us. Well looks like I finally made it out of the shitty desert.

We come to a sudden stop. Without glancing in my direction, Marcus hops out of the car. Grabbing the handle, I debate on following him, but he throws a look at me that has me wary of him chasing me down.

Trailing behind him, I walk at a snail-pace as we enter a large warehouse. Marcus starts kicking at the grimy wall, and for a second, I fear the man is as fucking crazy as he seems. Lights blast to life, momentarily blinding me. There are several old, wooden crates spread through the room.

Sliding against one of the walls, I curl in on myself, trying to pretend the man wasn't right in front of me still. Maybe if I slip out the back, the asshole won't notice? Of course, it was at that moment another gunshot cuts through the air. I look down, expecting to see the telltale darkening spot that would show the wound that had been penetrated by the bullet.

Instead, I watch as Marcus crumples to the ground holding onto his leg. The scent of his blood feels the air the sweetness flooding my nostrils. I halt the air following through my body and once again thank the Goddess for small blessings. Who knew my lack of a need for air would come in handy?

The sound of heels click-clacking against the dusty cement floor deafens the room as a figure comes out of the darkness. A woman leads a group of five NTSCU agents into the room. Hunching even further down, I pray to the Goddess they don't see me. She usually doesn't grant my wishes, but I'll be damned if I won't keep trying.

"Did you really think we'd let you go just like that?" the woman demands.

"Aww, Kitten, how you wound me," Marcus grits out. "I just didn't think you all were smart enough to find me, at least not this fast."

"Yes, well sadly, the Doctor wants his pet back," she says, honey-like. "So hand him over, and we'll be on our way."

Kitten's focus is solely on Marcus, and I can't help but to eyeball the exit. There was no way of knowing if more NTSCU sat waiting in the night, but I'd be dumb as fuck not to take this chance. There are a lot of things I'm willing to do; going back to that hellhole is not one of them. I slowly start to creep backward, and we've been gone in the wind, but I made the rookie mistake of glancing back.

Marcus is still on the floor. Kitten has her boot pressed against his wound and a gun pointed at his chest. Is she going to kill him? Who knows? But despite his threats and the slight stab wound, this man did, in fact, save my life. And if that doesn't count for something, nothing in this world does.

Dropping to all fours, I bear crawl my ass across the room at a pace to fast for human eyes to perceive. Crashing into Kitten, we go tumbling across the floor. We stop, and before she can do more than let out a groan, I slip my teeth through her flesh. Blood gushes out, and I take a few seconds to swallow my mouthful before jumping away.

Gunshots fill the air, but luckily all of them seem to be shitty shots. Sprinting their way, I quickly shove my hand through a man's chest and ripping out his heart. In one movement, I throw the carcass at the rest of the agents before taking a bite out of the still pulsing organ in my hand.

One of the agents runs up to, and I throw the heart at them, watching as they freak out. The agent goes stumbling in a dark version of hot potato, trying not to drop the blood sleeked organ but not wanting to touch it either.

The agent slips in blood, and before I can finish them off, a knife is thrown at my head. I manage to dodge right on time but back as they stomp my way. My feel gets blocked, and I look back to see Marcus. Crouching down, I reach behind him and grab at the gun I know was tucked away. Twisting around, I point the piece of steel at the agent who now stops several feet away from us.

"Oh, come on, you don't think a dumb bea-" his words get interrupted mid-sentence as I shoot him in the side of his neck, ripping through his major artery. Advancing forward, I quickly kick the knife away and then check his body for any remaining weapons.

The idiot that had been a stumbling mess finally gathered the courage to attack me, though I doubt a broken neck was what they had in mind for the encounter. I huff a breathe already worn out from trying to save our lives. The last two decide to gang up on me, both running from opposite directions.

Stepping back, I swing around before shoving my palm into one of their noses. He crumbles quickly like a marionette with its strings cut. The final agent looks around, taking in all his comrades littering the warehouse before making a break for the door.

He doesn't get far. I slam him into the ground and drag the agent back to Marcus by his ankle. He clawed at the cement, leaving chalky, jagged trails in his wake, attempting to get any purchase to stop his eventual arrival to death. Glaring down into his back, I try to ignore the galloping heartbeat thumping just underneath my grasp. How easy it would be to bend and just sink my fangs into the tender flesh.

"Kid?" a voice calls out. Flickering my gaze up, I see Marcus is level with my body and feel the subtle bite of cold underneath my knees. When had I moved? Growling, I move away from the body and subtly let out a breath of air once I notice his trembling.

"So Kid," Marcus starts.

"Nate," I interrupt him. He raises an eyebrow causing me to roll my eyes, though I'm sure it lost the effect with how haggard I must look. "If we're gonna be together for a while longer, my name's Nate."

"Alright ... Nate," he pauses as if getting a feel for my name on his tongue. As though the syllables are a foreign sound of which he has never heard of before now. "Please tell me you know how to patch up a wound."

I roll my eyes before dropping the NTSCU goon by his hip and watch with complacency as Marcus wacks him in the face, and he goes out like a light. Shaking my head, I start to look around for some supplies to mend the man back together. 

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