Chapter Fifteen

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"W-what? Why the hell do I have to strip."

"Cause you're the one in question. It'll take all of a minute, and then maybe we can all be civil." Samuel looks pointedly at Dewitt before sparing Vanessa a look.

"Hey, he started it," she calls out. I try to stop my shaking, but as she subtly elbows my stomach, she noticed my laughter. "Alright, Nate, you heard the man strip." She pulls out of the hold and turns to look me in the eye.

"Uh, Miss Vee, maybe you should come this way while they're doing this."

"And why would I do that?"

"Well, he's going to be naked."

"So, nothing I haven't seen before." Her eyes never leave mine, and I get the full view of the mischievous look she has. In the corner of my eye, I can just see the blushes on the two who had been quick so far. By the embarrassed look in his face, Dewitt is probably blushing under his dark complexion. I smirk slightly before giving Nessa the 'back up' motion. 

Not looking back, she slowly drags her feet through the sand before stopping by Samuel. I slowly edge my undone buckle and grab it to pull my belt out through the loops one by one. I look at Samuel and see the utterly exasperated look on his face. My smirk grows even more extensive as the were that had spoken earlier is eyeballing, where my pants hang low on my hips. 

I bend down, undo my right boot, kick it by Nessa, and complete the process with the left. Balancing, I take the sock off without breaking eye contact with Nessa. She wasn't lying earlier, but this is way too fun to watch the others squirm. That's what they get, the jackasses. I kick it up a notch by biting my lips ever so before undoing my zipper. 

Tantalizingly I pull the pants off and swing them around my head before swinging them around. The man gives a whistle, and I throw my pants in his direction, though to my slight disappointment, he easily catches them.

"Are you done yet?" Samuel tensely calls out.

"Well, I think so." I drawl, feigning confusion. He rolls his eyes before coming over in my direction. He grabs at my arms and spreads them high in the air. I feel as his finger trace along my skin. I focus on that rather than the weight of the others' eyes on me. His touch is barely there and light, like feathers or the air. He kneels down and completes the process. He gets up and gestures for me to turn around.

"You forgot to check his genitals." I look over my shoulder and shoot Nessa, my dirtiest look. That little traitor.

"I'll leave that up for you, little Miss Vee." I bark at a laugh as I hear her huff a sigh at him. I somber up when I feel his touch on me once more. After what feels like hours, he's shoving my pants into my hands.

"Well, what's the verdict," Dewitt asks. Of course, the ass couldn't just let it be, could he?

"He's clean, as I told you before."

"How's that possible." Samuel, you saw, everybody saw the way he reacted. "He would have bit into her with no hesitation."

"Perhaps, but then he would act like a wounded puppy afterward."

"I did not act like a puppy," I grit out.

"Wounded puppy" Vanessa corrects. She looks at me with her eyes just a little wider than usual.

"C'mon Witchy I ain't gonna fall for your eyes." She blinks before striding to stand next to me. I pull my pants back up and just managed to fasten them when I feel her arms around my waist. I look down, and her eyes are looking up with her cheek lying across my abdomen. "Fine, fine, you win. Better?" I grab her nose and wiggle it around. She almost laughs before looking to the side, and the emotion melts off her face.

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