Chapter Five

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I look at the sleek gun pointed at Nate's forehead and something melts in my chest. Not in that cozy, oh I'm in love way. It's like I had frozen stone lodged in my chest cavity and now it has become molten lava. That man saved my life. Nobody has ever tried to save my life. Not ever her- no don't think of her you know better-the man presses the gun into deeply tanned flesh.

I don't react but slowly I start to bring forth that fire in my veins. I look at him, John. The sadistic bastard. He always had the most enjoyment from my suffering when we bonded as he likes to say. I still carry the scars I got from time spent with him. With them. The NTSCU

I raise all the energy I've gathered and focus it on John. The times he stabbed his long blades deep into my flesh. Each time the whip would beat across my back. The broken bones and bruises spanning across my body. The fire. All of it. He enlights in a pitch-black ball of flame. His screams echo off the walls.

His men abandon Nate and try to help put out my flames but they too quickly become a part of the fire. A couple are smart enough to try to run but the fire jumps and consumes them at an even faster and more painful pace. Eventually, the flames die out and I look down at what remains of their charred remains.

Most of their clothes are burnt away leaving an open view of their lack of skin. The flames had reached to their bones. They ate away at them until there was nothing but crispy, blackened charred bits left in their wake. Even if they did survive they won't stay that way for long. Hopefully, that's all the reinforcements he has or we'll have a bigger issue on hand.

I rush over to Nate, my heart going a mile a second. I was too slow. I know I was I'm always so fucking slow. There's blood on the floor but luckily the bullet didn't go through his head. His right shoulder, on the other hand, will be needing some mending. My breath swiftly leaves my body. We got lucky it could have been worse, much worse.

I reach for him and avoid the temptation to fall to the floor and simply lie there. "Are you okay?" I lean over and my hair falling and framing my face.

"Yeah, It's just a bullet hole, no biggie."


"Yeah well, I was shot. I'm pretty sure Ima allowed to be."

"If you say so." Stand up straight and I let out a sigh. I hold out a hand and haul him off the ground. I stagger slightly under his weight. Luckily Nate isn't that injured and keeps me from falling down. He didn't look that heavy to me, must be the extra height he has on me. "Sorry. It's been a shitty long day."

"Did you mean a long day."

"Nope." My lips pop slightly as the word leaves my mouth and Nate lets out a gaff choking sound that I quickly realize is a laugh. He turns around looking for something.

"What is it?"

"Where's our shit?"

"Oh, come this way." I lead him over to an inner wall and move a piece of broken driftwood. There lays our bag and the other clothes that I thought would come in handy. I had to eyeball for Nate's size but it should all fit more or less. I look at him and see the strap across the chest.

"Oh good, you found it. Was it hard to find?" I walk over to him to get a look at our new bag. It's way bigger than our current. Plus the zipper actually works.

"Not really. So is that a witch thing?" He narrows his eyes my way. "You just happen to know everything."

"Not everything." I scoff, he raises his eyebrow and I roll my eyes. "Some things are easy to see and just come to me. Generally, I see things that borderline life and death."

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