Chapter Twenty-Seven Part One

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I stare at the boat; the flames rise higher and higher in the sky. They give off an almost ethereal glow in the night sky, with the way it's reflected by the nearby water brushing up against the boat with each wave. My throat feels hoarse, and I bow my head, digging fingers into the sand, hoping that everything has been a horrible, horrible nightmare.

"I - I don't understand, I mean Witchy was comin' here to help, I mean how did she even end up on the boat," I ask.

"That would be me, not that I was alone in that endeavor. right cousin, dear?" Keira is standing cocky with a smirk in her face. "Oh don't look so shocked surely you wondered about the position of this little coven of ours. I mean, how does one stay this far West and not be attacked surely you're smarter than the rest of your kind." I lick my lips and try to process what's happening in front of me.

"My kind," I ask, "so because I'm a Bobby, you assume Imma dumb piece of shit. Is that what you're saying?"

"No I'm saying you're a dumb animal because you're a shifter. You all may as well be animals."

"Wow, prejudice much."

"Please I call it as I see it." She perks up, looking over my shoulder, and I twist to see NTSCU agents coming down the shore. I turn back to see even more of them slinking out of the shadows.

"I see you've held up your end of the bargain. Great job, Coven Dolon." Marcus steps up to the front and once again appears to be the clear leader in this situation.

"Of course I saw no problem with honoring our past agreement," she tells him, and if I thought anything else but a whine would leave my throat, I'd tell her exactly where she can shove her agreement.

"She has died," Kore's chimes in, and I tilt my head to gaze, taken back by her tone. I'd call it emotionless, but there's an edge to her words that have me on edge.

"Yes. Even if she managed to set that blaze, no witch on record has ever survived death by fire". Marcus turns to me and looks me over, if I didn't know any better I'd say there's guilt in his eyes. "You, on the other hand, will be coming with me." I managed to growl at him, and that seems to deter anyone from coming any closer.

"I never could understand your fascination with this, Bobby. What makes him so special?" Kore is gliding nearer, and as she steps, I see the life seeping out of the ground.

"My client is very interested in hybrid specimens. We've never come across a Bobby and werewolf hybrid that hasn't succumbed to the Rot already. A chance him was too hard for him to pass by," Marcus states, all while eyeing me. He's answering her, but it feels as if he's talking to me.  

I eye the scar on his face, something that from the look of it came from a Bobby. The man obviously had knowledge and experience, and it begs the question of whether he knew this whole time. His expression is guarded, but from what I've seen, he doesn't take any sick enjoyment from his so-called job.

Even if he knew what I was back in that desert, why hadn't he said anything? He was going to shoot me straight in the head simply because of 'malfunctioning' equipment. Was he just being lazy, or was whatever waiting for me so terrible and that would've been the small mercy? 

I tremble as I have no idea whether which would be the better option. Of course, this is all speculation; for all, I know my assumptions are all wrong, but seeing as I'll probably be dead soon, it's all I have left.

"You brought them here," Kore accuses, and for a second, I'm afraid she's blaming me for the trouble this whole situation must have caused. I may not have known her long, but I knew she was the type to stop the bullshit Keira was spitting.

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