Chapter Twenty-Seven Part Two

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Keira pitifully starts to crawl to Kore, as if now she'll show her mercy, but is blocked by the undead army. I eye her grasping onto life in revulsion, glad that even if this is my last action that I took that bitch down with too.

"Hmm you're not going to eat her?" I look over, and Marcus has finally made his presence known.

"Nah, gotta watch what I put in my body, you know," I respond, I refuse to look at him as I know once I do this will all be over.

"Nate," Kore calls. I glance at her and breathe out a heavy sigh. She has tears streaking her face, and blood stains her lips, whether from overworking herself or bringing her lips I'm unsure. "Please..." What she's begging for is unclear, but it doesn't matter as she collapses and with her every single entity under her command. A hand grabs onto each of my arms, and I work to keep my breath steady. They're human, surely if I fight, my odds of comin' out on top are positive.

"Now before you get any bright ideas, I'll remind you, we have this whole place surrounded, you fight back in any way, we will attack. You give my men or me any look that I don't like; we will attack. You try to escape in any way before we get to get to our destination, we will come back and attack them," he announces. "Do you understand?" I lick my lips before looking back at Kore.

And what makes you think I care about these people? I glance towards Marcus and am surprised with a smack to my check. I have to bite my lip to keep my scream in as a burning sensation overcomes my face. Those aren't normal gloves. He says nothing else, just eyeing me before giving a sardonic smirk. He slightly turns, and I see that his face is turned towards Kore.

"Now choose your next course of action wisely. But just a tidbit when the NTSCU gets sent to destroy a coven we always start with the leaders makes the others much more pliable and most lose any sense of moral." I shut my eyes and hope that the end is quick.

"Kore, somebody's goin' come lookin' for me, please tell them I love them, and if I had a choice, I'd have made it back to them" I practically sob, and watch as Kore realizes what was happening. I'm pulled away and let my tears fall. I keep my shoulders tense and still as her screams fill my ears, and I hope I'm doing the right thing.

Despite our differences, a small number of people in Dolon had earned my respect, and I will hold onto that and not drag these people down with me. Besides, I know for a fact children still reside in the camp, and I refuse to add their deaths to my conscience. I'm shoved down the beach and onto a path that eventually leads back to the harsher desert lands. I see a truck that resembles a Hummer, but the name slips my mind, not that it really matters.

I keep my head down and have my hands resting at my sides, my feet drag in the sand, not drawing out the walk but more like I can't find the energy or will to make full steps. The goons behind me obviously don't share the sentiment as somebody attempts to shove me forward. I go with the motion to at least keep them appeased.

Marcus stands in front of the vehicle, his hands behind his back, and a stony expression upon his face. Without saying a word, he brings forth thick shackles and some other metal object that I'm a little terrified to find out it's actual function. Marcus stalks forward and snaps the shackles onto my wrists, fastening them together with a great force that I was unprepared for and almost land on my face.

"This," he states, "is a mouthguard. You are going to open your jaws at a human measure, I'm going to place it inside, once that happens, you will not bite me if you do you remember my warning from before." I stare off into the distance but give a slight nod at his words. Somebody decides to grip a handful of my locs located in the back and jerk my head back, I almost start growling but hold myself back at the last second.

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