Chapter Ten

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Laughter and screams echo through the little establishment that Dewitt has dragged us to. It was made mostly of wood, from the tables to the chairs to the bar top. It reminds me of those dive bars that I would have to drag my brothers out of on a rough night. Or more like I was told by my mom to bring them home, and they'd go running out, leaving me with no ride.

There are a couple of people left inside. When we first arrived, there had been a crowd, but it had quickly thinned out. A lot of the townies had refused to sit with or by us. Like okay, my feelings weren't hurt whatever. They warmed up slowly, and some even sat and gave us a brief rundown of this place.

It would seem this place is in a small area sandwiched between the witch, were, and vamp lands. Most people who permanently stay here were kicked out of their settlements or are wanted by the NTSCU. Even though they have no pull around here, many Terrors had gone missing after wondering into more Southern towns. Despite that NTSCU never actually come into the settlements, Yeah, that's not suspicious or anything.

I'm jeered to the right as the man sitting next to me decides I was a good support. I almost shove him away before Nessa catches my arm and stops me. I mean, she couldn't really stop me strength-wise, but maybe that's what evens us out. She's the magic, and I'm the strength. My stomach is already weak from the dinner I was forced to partake in if only to keep looking human.

"So do the NTSCU just not come 'round these parts," I question the cheery townies by us, and for a split second, you could hear a pin drop. If not for my hearing, I probably would have chalked it up to a lag in conversations, but their hearts are going crazy. Yeah, like that's such a coincidence.

"No, we don't have that issue," Dewitt answers me and lifts up his cup before taking a big gulp. His eyes don't leave mine.

"How lucky."

"Yes, and we're well aware."

"Speaking of aware. What would you like as payment for the room and food?" Nessa interrupts the tense situation.

"Well, the room is free as long as you help with the uptake once a week," Dewitt answers her. He rubs the side of his faded hair cut.

"How generous."

"Yeah, we like to think so. The food is to be taken up with Samuel. He's the one who owns this little shop."

"Makes sense." She turns toward the man behind the counter and looks at the older man behind the counter. He smells like the girl from earlier, and if not for the tanned complexion, I would say they're related. He's eyeing me before ripping his gaze in Nessa's direction.

"Just go to the woods and bring back what you can."

"But that's an hour walk."

"No, the ones South of here. Dewitt or one of the brats can show you the way." He walks away before stopping and picks up a cup and starts to clean it. "Hey, boy." I look around 'cause I know this old geezer ain't talking to me. "Yeah, you. What's your mother's name." I feel as the blood leaves my face, and a stone drops in my stomach. Hopefully that food isn't making an early reappearance.

"Why do you ask?"

"You remind me of a friend of mine is all. So what's her name." He's not looking at me, but I know all of his attention is on my reaction. I could lie, but there's a possibility, small as it may be, that he'll find out, and then any trust I have here could go down.


"Her last name?" His eyes are on mine, and I could have sworn they shined a steel-blue in the light.

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