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My heart drops and I choke out "Raleigh?" he nods
"Yes. Just the type. Plenty of guts." I try and keep my face blank as my heart shatters in my chest
"He's awfully new to it all." The Colonel shrugs
"His nerves are sound." I scramble for anything that could save him
"It's rotten to send a fellow who's only just arrived."

The Colonel sighs "Well who else is there?" I rack my brains for names. Any one but my Raleigh. My Jimmy. The Colonel stands smiling "That's settled then. Osborne to direct the raid and Raleigh to make the dash, with ten good men. You select the men." I nod curtly "Very well, sir." he sighs
"It's all a damn nuisance, but it's necessary." I nod again
"Yes." he nods once
"Well so long. I'll see you at eight o'clock."

He walks out dissapering into the trenches. I sag forward catching myself on the table before I fall. What am I going to do? I can't lose Raleigh. I can't. Slumping in my seat I lean my head back on the wall and close my eyes. I promised to protect him. I promised...

Slowly I sneak down the dark corridors of the house towards Jimmy's room. I knock gently on the door before stepping inside. The room is lit by a single beam of moonlight filtering through a gap in the curtains. Jimmy sits up and I can just about make him out in the dark.

I walk over dodging the creaky boards completly, having the safe path memorised. He grins whispering "Your getting good at that." I smile sitting next to him and kissing the tip of his nose "I've had a lot of practice." he giggles and the two of us lay back into the cushions relaxing.

"I can't believe it's the end of the summer already." I nod sighing
"I'm not even going to see you at school." he rolls onto his side staring at me his eyes shining in the dark
"You're going to the front." I nod turning to face him
"Proud to." he frowns
"I wish I was coming with you."

Running a hand through his hair I lean my forhead against his "Then how would I concentrate?" he grins
"I don't know." I smile
"I love you Jimmy."
"I love you to Dennis."

He yawns "Promise me something?" I nod
"Don't forget me." I stare at him confused
"I could never forget you, even with so many strong soldiers surrounding me." he shoves my arm tiredly and I smile running my fingers through his hair "I promise I won't forget you. I love you forever and always. And I will always keep you safe."

Smiling he shifts so his head is on my shoulder "Night Dennis." I smile
"Night Jimmy," his breaths become slow and deep signaling he has fallen asleep "I love you." I whisper to the dark room swearing to any God who might be listening that I will protect the small boy in my arms till my last breath. What ever it takes.

I close my eyes listening to Raleigh and enjoying the last night for who knows how long with him in my arms.

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