Will you?

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The Seargeant-major disappears leaving Stanhope and me looking out over No-mans land. Slowly the fog receads revealing the jagged muddy land seperating us from the Germans. "I realise this isn't teh best place to ask but its relatively private and I may not get another chance." I turn to find Dennis holding out a loop of wire wound around several times to create a band "If we make it out of this alive I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So James Raleigh will you marry me?"

I grin "When we make it. Yes I will marry you." he beams slipping the simple band onto my finger "I love you and I promise to buy you a proper ring." I chuckle
"I love you too." he cups my face gently pressing his lips onto mine "I promise to love and protect you forever." we pull apart lingering slightly longer before standing side by side, hand in hand once more staring out over No-mans land.

The only noise is a few dull thuds in the distance but nothing too close. By the end of our shift Dennis is tensed up ever little noise making him jump. When its time to switch with Hibbert he brushes his lips over my knuckles before dropping my hand. Hibbert appears moments later giving Stanhope a polite nod as we pass "Have your things packed and ready for tomorrow. I want to get out of here as soon as possible." Hibbert nods in reply. 

Back in the dug out I munch on my sandwiches while writing a lett for Madge

Dear Madge,

I hope you are well, tomorrow we get moved to a new base and another company takes over here. 

As I mentioned in my last letter I went on my first raid. It went well and I now have a scar on my left shoulder. In other news my friend Osbourne has been sent up to the hospital, I do hope he is alright.

Stanhope made me a ring out of wire which I love and will wear forever. If anyone asks I shall say I am married to Susan (I hope you don't mind) as it makes the most sense and I have a picture. I do hope you are both arlight.

I miss you and think of you often. Please send news of home.

All my love, your brother


I seal the letter carefully writing the address and adding it to the pile on the table. Trotter limps into the room grinning "You all right Raleigh?" I nod
"Yes, thank you." grunting he plonks himself down on one of the boxes "I won't miss this place I can tell you. Lookin' forward to some quality time at home. You got a girl?"

I glance over at Dennis seated in the cornere before nodding "Yes her name is Susan." he grins
"Wouldn't settle just yet if you know what I mean. You got a few years left in ya." I shuffle in my seat uncomfortably but nod smiling tightly "Me I married a lovely girl. Only five years ago it was." he sighs "Ghastly mother."

Dennis walks over folding up the map he was reading and lighting a cigaret "What about you cap'n, you gotta girl?" Dennis stares at him blankly "No." Trotter snorts
"Strappin' young man like yourself, find that hard to believe." he shrugs
"Guess I just haven't found the right one."

An awkward silence falls over the dugout broken by an awful clanging in the servants quarters followed by a loud bout of cursing. Dennis leans back slightly calling out "Mason?" he appears rubbing his head.

"Sorry Sir, shelf broke."

"You alright?"

"Yes sir, I'll get it fixed. I was just packing up sir."

"Very good."

he disappears once again muffled bangs drifting through. Dennis brushes a pile of dirt of the table "You read to leave tomorrow Trotter?" he nods
"Yup, can't wait."

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