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Raleigh P/O/V:

Stanhope shakes me awake smiling softly "The others will be here in a minute for dinner." I nod rubbing my eyes clear "Thanks." he chuckles brushing the hair out my face
"Feel better?" I nod
"Yea, the ringings gone. My shoulder is a little stiff but other than that I think I'm alright."

Mason appears beginning to lay the table for dinner. Seconds later Trotter and Hibbert stumble down into the dugout joining us at the table. I vaguely hear Stanhope tell Trotter he is now second in command but I mostly stay out the conversation picking at my chicken. 

Stanhope nudges my side gently concern filling his eyes "Are you alright?" I nod managing a small smile "Just tired" he nods glancing down at my plate
"You need to eat." I stare him in the eyes while taking a large mouthful causing him to snort slightly. Hibbert and Trotter start sharing stories about various women so I hastily finish my food and champagne before excusing myself into the other dug out and laying down.

I wake up to the blurry shape of Trotter "Wake up Raleigh. Time to get ready." I sit up yawning "What time is it?" he steps back "'bout half five. Get dressed then come have some tea." he leaves and I offer Hibbert a small smile before turning to get ready.

Walking through to the main dugout I sit next to Stanhope pulling a cup of tea closer wrapping my hands around it to warm them. "The attack will either happen today or tomorrow. we leave tomorrow morning at ten. i want you on look out with me." Nodding I slip at my tea "What happens if he attack comes today?"

Slowly he turns looking me in the eyes "I can't lie to you Jimmy. It won't be good but I swear to what ever end I will protect you." he leans closer "I promise I'll protect you." his forehead rests against mine and I close the gap kissing him gently "I love you Dennis."
"I love you too Jimmy always have always will."

We jump apart as Mason comes clattering into the dugout bundles of sandwiches in hand "Here's your 'andwiches sir. Sardine on top and corned beef on the bottom. Mornin' mister Raleigh." I smile taking the sandwiches he offers "Thank you." he leaves the rest on the table disappearing again.

Putting them away in my satchel I drain the rest of my tea. "Ready to go Jimmy?" I nod standing "Lets go relieve the sergeant-major then, he's been there a good few hours." we climb up into the trench the early light of dawn just breaking through the morning fog. "All quite, sir." Standhope nods "Thank you. Go get some rest you may need it."

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