The truth

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I squirm uncomfortably in my seat while Dennis leans on the back rest one hand resting on my shoulder squeezing it gently "Its going to alright Jimmy." I nod slightly sitting up straighter when my parents walk into the room with Madge and Susan behind them. Madge sits on the chair next to mine with Susan perched on the arm rest while my parents sit opposite us "Whats all this then?" my mother looks between the four of us confused "Is something wrong?" I shake my head slightly "Nothing is wrong, we just have some things to tell you." 

Madge smiles gently "Firstly we must apologise for keeping this from you for so long and ask that you stay quite until we finish explaning." my father looks like he is about to say something when mother places a hand on his knee "Of course." 

Madge gives me a smile while Dennis squeezes my shoulder "I know this is going to be a lot to process but we want you to know the truth. I am Gay and Madge is a Lesbian. We have been dating each others partners as a cover up but we have all agreed it is time to come clean. Dennis and I have been together since boarding school and have decieded we would like to get married. If this is problem with you we don't care. I love Dennis very much and have no intentions of leaving him." Madge reaches over and pats my hand gently "Susan and I have been together the past six years and I love her very much. We understand this is a lot to take in but it was easier to tell you in one go." 

We all sit in silence while our parents process everything. Mother is the first to speak "You're all...homosexuals?" I bite back a laugh nodding "Yes." she nods slightly lapsing into silence once more. "So you are all homosexuals? Have been sneaking around for years? And James you wish to marry Stanhope?" I nod "Yes father, that is correct." he sighs "Well the gay thing doesn't shock me, I always had a small hunch something was going on. I hope you know how difficult it is going to be for all of you if anyone outside of our family finds out, not many people are acceppting of such things. However I have no problems with the arrangment. You all clearly make each other happy. But the same rules apply to you both Stanhope, Susan. You look after my children and keep them happy." 

I sit there to stunned to speak while Madge runs over to him throwing her arms around him. "Mary will you please say something." my mother blinks turning to face our father a soft smile gracing her features "I'm sorry, I have no objections. You must know I love you both no matter what. I had thought the marriage would be the other way around but I already view you both as extended family." I look up at Stanhope who grins down at me leaning down to kiss my cheek gently "I told you it would all be fine." I nod slighlty and stand to hug both my parents tightly "You do make a very handsome couple." I chuckle kissing my mother on the cheek "Thank you." she smiles cupping my face in her hands "Your my son James and I love you no matter what."

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