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Raleigh P/O/V:

I stretch loosening my cramped muscles before shoving my hands into my pockets trying to warm them. Trotter checks the time on a battered looking watch "Osborne should be along shortly, then we can get some sleep." I nod and stare out over No Mans Land trying to make out shapes in the gloom. If I concentrate hard enough I can see the glint of the moonlight reflecting off something metal, it's either wire or a Germans gun. I hope it's the latter.

"Alright Trotter, I'll take over." he grins
"Thanks Uncle, come on Raleigh." I smile at Osborne before following Trotter through the gloom to the dug out door. He disappears down the steps and I follow slowly putting my hands on the walls so I don't slip. I stop at the bottom blinking several times to help my eyes adjust to the meagre light. I take a deep breath and frown it smells strongly of whisky and candle wax. Yawning I take a step forward and jump when someone calls my name from the shadows in the corner "Stanhope?"

He leans forward into the light smiling slightly "Can I talk to you?" I nod and sit carefully on the edge of his bed "Did you get my letter?" my heard drops but I try and keep my face blank as I nod. Slowly he reaches forward and takes my hand in his "I'm soorry, I should never have written that, I was ashamed of what I had become. I didn't think I was worthy of you." I stare at him in shock and he sighs "I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I love you. God, I love you and I don't want to live my life without you in it." he stare me in the eyes "I love you Jimmy."

After a moment he leans forward "Please say something." I stare at out clasped hands then into his eyes. A frown creeps across my face "That letter was like a dagger to my heart." he looks down ashamed and I sigh smiling "But I refused to believe it was true. Madge said I was being stubborn and should move on, but I couldn't because deep down I still loved you."

He looks up hopefully and I grin "Of course I love you."
"Really?" I nod
"But if you ever write or say anything like that letter ever again..." I trail of not able to finish that thought. He grins leaning his forhead against mine "Believe me I'm never letting you go again."

I grimace "How much whisky did you drink?" he chuckles pulling away slightly
"Sorry, I was nervous." I yawn and he grins
"You should go and get some sleep." I nod and stand. I go to walk into my dugout but change my mind, I turn back around kissing Dennis on the cheek gently.

Grinning I walk into my dugout and flop onto my bed. "What did Stanhope want?" I smile giddily at the ceiling
"Just wanted to check I understood what I was doing when I go on duty alone." I close my eyes falling asleep the happiest I've been in a long time.

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