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Raleigh P/O/V:

I stand at my post humming quietly to myself while I sweep my gaze over the barren land in front of the trench. Barbed wire, wooden spikes and bits of shell litter the uneven ground glinting in the afternoon sun. "Raleigh?" I turn and stand a little taller "Captain Stanhope, sir?" he smiles slightly before his face turns grave once more.

"The colonel has selected you and Osborne for a raid." I beam at him "Really?" he nods "Tomorrow afternoon." I nod smiling "I'd be honored." he nods tightly "You're dismissed, I'll see you at dinner."

Nodding my head once I glance around before kissing his cheek gently. I walk back to the dugout, smiling at the soldiers I pass. I walk down the steps and smile brightly at Osborne "Stanhope told me about the raid."

"Has he?" I nod "Just you and me, isn't it," and try and remember regulations "And ten men?" he nods gravely "Yes, tomorrow. Just before dusk. Under a smoke cloud." I smile sitting in the seat opposite him "It's most frightfully exiting." Osborn nods again "We shall know more about it after Stanhope sees the colonel tonight." I nod "Were you and I picked specially?"

"Yes." I lean back against the dugout wall "I say!" we sit in a comfortable silence and slowly the others return for dinner. First Trotter, then Hibbert and finally Stanhope. Mason starts serving food and a comfortable silence falls over the dugout.

"All quite today Uncle?" Osborn nods "I heard one or two shells over to the left but other than that nothing." Stanhope scowls "I don't like it." Trotter grins "Why's that?" 

"Too quite. The big attack is due in two days. With the raid tomorrow, I feel like the Germans are just waiting for us to do something."  Osborn pats his shoulder gently "It's going to be fine." I nod giving him a small smile. "The Germans won't know what hit them." Trotter chuckles and thumps me on back "Smart lad, always stay positive." Stanhope's lips twitch slightly in a small smile and Trotter grins "Well good luck to you both," he nods to Osborn and me then stands grabbing Hibbert's arm "Come on we're on duty till eleven."

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