Letter home

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"Come on Raleigh up ya get." I sigh and sit up
"What time is it?" Trotters outline comes into view out of the dark
"No idea, but breakfast in on the table." I stand and look around for my helmet. I find it on top of my pack and shove it on my head before joining Osborne and Trotter at the table.

I stay quite concentrating on chewing and swallowing the bacon on my plate, completly ignoring the other two. All I can think of is Stanhope: his smile, his eyes, his hair, his lips...I scold myself and start spreading some strawberry jam on a slice of bread. Dennis likes strawberries. I sigh but smile to myself, and he's mine.

I jump slightly when Osbore turns to me speaking loudly "I expect Stanhope'll let you go on duty alone now." I nod
"About what time?" he smiles
"After me, I expect. From about two till four." I smile back
"I see." Osborne looks at me strangely then asks
"Did Stanhope talk to you last night?"

Hiding my smile I nod "Yes."
"What did he say?" I shrug slightly
"Nothing of interest." he nods and lights his pipe
"A handsome young man isn't he?" I smile and nod
"Yea." I freeze realising what he said and he chuckles
"Don't worry I am aware of your prefrences."

He smiles "Did Stanhope tell you the truth?" I nod smiling brightly, glad that I can be open with him
"He told me everything, how much did he tell you?"
"Enough, I wish you both all the happiness in the world." I smile at his kindness and acceptance
"Thank you."

We sit in a comfortable silence for a while until I remember the letter I started the other night. "I say, how do we send letters?"
"The quartermaster-sergeant takes them down after he brings rations up in the evenings." I nod standing
"I'll go and finish it noow, if I go on duty soon."

I walk back into my dugout and sit on my bed lighting the candle next to it. I pull my letter towards me and find my pencil. I read over what I have already written before putting my pencil to the paper and starting to write. I sign it off and put down my pencil, smiling I read through my finished letter:

Dear Madge,

The trenches aren't what I'd imagined but they're certainly interesting. I had to walk down this really long winding pathway to get here, it'c called Lancers alley. It's frightfully muddy and it's not the cleanest. But the food is hot and company good. So far everything has been quite.

You'll never believe it but when I reported to Battalion Headquartesr the colonel looked in a little book and said "You report to C company, Captain Stanhope." Can you imagine it? I was taken along some trenches and shown a dugout. There was an awfully nice officer there called Osborne but everyone calls him 'Uncle'. When I saw Dennis again he seemed very shocked to see me but can you blame him? Out of hundreds of battalions and companys and I get sent to him

We talked about the letter and he apologised, I know you'll think me stupid but I forgave him. I hope you understand. But I love him, you know how that feels. He works awfully hard you know always talking to the soldiers and making sure they're okay. I hope that you, Susan, mum and dad are all okay. I miss you and am thinking of you always.

All my love, your brother

Raleigh xxx

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