The Colonel

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Stanhope P/O/V:

Raleigh walks out from his dugout smiling brightly. My heart practically melts at his smile, the warmth behind it. "Where do we put letters to be collected?" Osborne smiles
"Just on the table." nodding he seals his letter and places it on the table
"I'd best go inspect the rifles."

Osborn nods "See there's plenty of oil on it. And look at the ammunition in the men's pouches. Don't bother if the woods a bit dirty." he grins
"Righto." I smile at him as he walks out watching him go.

"I expect a wedding invetation once this blasted war is over." I gape at him
"Your joking Uncle?" he shrugs
"Well you clearly care a great a deal for him and the same goes for him." I stutter
"Still...A wedding...I don't...Is that even legal?" he shrugs grinning
"I expect an inveration when ever it is, legal or not." I roll my eyes laughing
"Of course."

Osborne leaves half an hour later to the seargent-major. I pull the tattered map on the table closer examining it slowly. I plot some possible raid routs and don't notice the time pass. "Hullo Stanhope." I stand quickly
"Hello, sir." he smiles slightly
"Lovely day." I nod looking out of the dugout
"Splendid, sir." he nods
"Springs coming." he pauses shifting his feet slightly
"I'm glad you're alone. I've got some rather serious news."

I point to the box opposite me sitting down "I'm sorry to hear that, sir, will you sit down?" he sits slowly, I reach across the table for the whisky "Drink?" he shakes his head
"No." I retract my hand and cross my arms sitting up straight
"What's the news, sir?"
"The brigadier came to see me this morning. The general wants us to make a raid to find out who's come into the line opposite here." I nod slightly
"I see. When?"

He sighs "As soon as possible. He said tonight." I scowl
"That's absurd." he nods
"I told him so, I said the earliest would be tomorrow afternoon," he grins collaping his hands together "A surprise daylight raid under a smoke screen from the trench-mortar people. I think daylight is best."

I manage a small nod. He leans on the table "I suggest sending two officers and ten men. Quite enough for the purpose. I'd like you to come to dinner, eight o'clock, to discuss it further." I smile slightly
"Very good, sir." He stands
"I'll leave you to select the men."

I nod "You want me to go with them, sir?" he lets out a bellowing laugh
"Oh, no, Stanhope. I can't let you go. No I want one officer to direct the raid and one to make the dash in and collar some Boche."
"Who do you suggest, sir?" he sits again
"Well I suggest Osborne, for one. He's a level-headed chap. He can direct it."
"And who else?" he shrugs grinning
"Well, there's Trotter- but he's a bit fat isn't he? Not much good at dashing?"

I shake my head "No. D'you suggest Hibbert?"
"Well, what do you think of Hibbert?" I sigh
"I don't think so," There's a short pause before I say "Why not send a good seargent, sir?" he frowns shaking his head
"No. The men expect officers to lead a raid. As a matter of fact. I'm thinking of that youngster I sent up to you last night."

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