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Raleigh P/O/V:

I stare at the walls of the trenches surrounding me. They definetly aren't what I was expecting. Nothing but walls of mud with the odd plank holding it in place. The floor is un-even and I have to keep checking my feet so I don't trip. It is also frightfully quite. No guns. No bombs. Just silence. I speed up slightly to catch the soldier who is leading me through this maze of mud.

He stops outside a low doorway "This is C company 'eadquarters sir." I smile
"Thanks." he nods once
"You'd better go down sir." I nod
"Righto." he walks away and I walk slowly down the steps into a gloomy dugout. I stop a moment allowing my eyes to adjust.

A man looks up from the table he is sitting at and smiles warmly "Hello." I smile
"Good evening," noticing his grey hair and his feeling of authority I hastily add "Sir." he smiles
"You are the new officer?" I nod happily
"Yes. Battalion Headquarters told me to report here." he nods and motions to the bed pushed against the dugout wall
"We've been expecting you. Sit down." I take of my pack and sit down
"Thank you."

"Will you have a drink?" I mentally debate with myself saying "Erm...Well...I." he smiles
"You don't drink whisky?" I nod slightly
"Just a small one please." he pours me a small glass which I take. Taking a shaky sip I watch him pour himself one
"Are you just out from England?" I nod putting down my glass
"Yea, just landed a week ago."

"Ever been up the line before?" I shake my head slightly
"No, I only left school at the end of last summer term." he smiles kindly
"I expect you find it a bit strange," I nod trying to think of an answer "Well my names' Osborne. I'm second in command of the company. You only have to call me 'Sir' in front of the men." I nod
"Thanks." he grins
"You'll find the other officers call me 'Uncle'"

I nod, slightly confused by nickname "What's your name?" I smile
"Raleigh." he nods looking interested
"I knew a Raleigh. A master of rugby." I think for a moment but no one comes to mind
"He may be a relation. I don't know. I've got lots of uncles."

Osborne mearly nods before changing the subject "We've only just moved into these trenches. Captain Stanhope commands the company." my heart flutters at his name
"I know. It's a fightful bit of luck." he looks confused
"D'you know him?" I nod happily
"We were at school together- at least- of course- I was only a kid and he was one of the big fellows; he's three years older than I am."

I wait silently for Osborne to say something. After a long pause he says "He's up in the front line at present, looking after the relief," he pauses again before saying "He's a splendid chap." I nod smiling brightly
"Isn't he? He was a skipper of rugger at Barford, and kept wicket for the eleven. A jolly good bat too."

Osborne looks interested "Did you play rugger and cricket?"
"Oh, yes. Of course, I wasn't in the same class as Dennis," I blush slightly "I say, I suppose I ought to call him Captain Stanhope."
"Just Stanhope." I nod
"Thanks." he nods slightly
"Did you get your colours?" I nod
"I did for rugger, not cricket." he sighs
"Rugger and cricket seem a long way from here." I laugh slightly
"They do, rather."

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