I do

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"Well don't you both look dashing." Dennis and I both turn to find Osborne standing in the doorway in a suit that is a little to small and well worn a warm smile on his face "Don't you two look handsome." Dennis grins going over to give him a hug "Uncle, good to see you up and about." he chuckles patting me on the back "Thank you for inviting me." I smile as Dennis takes my hand in his "We wouldn't of had it any other way. It is just a small ceremony as its not exactly legal but we're glad you could be apart of it."

He laughs heartily "Love's love, I'm too old to care about such things." he pats us both on shoulder before walking through to the living room, we decided to get married at home seeing as we can't exactly use a church. But both our familes are attending as well as Osborne and Susan. 

Dennis grins smoothing the lapels of my suit "You look handsome." I grin kissing his cheek "So do you." we walk through into the living room where a freind of the family, Leon, is standing by the large window as he is marrying us. He alters the vows slightly so they work for the two of us and before I know it we are both saying "I do." 

Smiling so hard my face hurts I lean closer kissing Dennis gently bringing one hand up to cup his cheek. We pull apart as everyone starts cheering and throwing rice and confetti. Laughing we kiss again "I love you so much James Raleigh-Stanhope." I kiss him a third time "I love you too Dennis Raleigh-Stanhope." He grips my hand gently bringing it to his chest "Here is to the rest of our lives, side by side, forever." 

He loops an arm around my waist as music starts drifting through the room "May I have this dance?" I laugh looping my arm around his neck "I would love to." we waltz around the room Madge and Susan joing in while our parents stand by the piano my mother sat at the stool playing. "I love you so much Jimmy and I can't believe I get to call you mine." I grin leaning closer so I can kiss him "I'm yours." 

The end

When the war is overTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon