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Stanhope P/O/V:

I walk with Trotter through the trenches towards the dugout. He stops by the doorway grinning "After you Stanhope." I nod once and grope my way down the dugout steps. At the bottom I stand up tall and take of my pack and helmet dropping them on the closest bed. Trotter stands awkwardly at my side and I turn to Osborne "Has Hardy gone?" he nods
"Yes, he cleared off a few minutes ago."

I scowl "Lucky for him he did. I had a few words to say to him. You never saw such a blasted mee those fellows left the trenches in. Dugouts smell like cess-pits; rusty bombs; damp rifel grenades; its perfectly foul. Wheere are the servants?" Osborne smiles pointing behind him "In there." I walk over
"Hi. Mason!" he calls back
"Coming, sir. Just bringing the soup, sir." I sigh
"Damn the soup! Bring some whisky!"

Turning back around I take out a cigarette and light it. Osborne smiles "Here's a new officer, Stanhope. Just arrived." I frown slightly, I hadn't noticed there was anyone else in the dugout "Sorry," I look over into the corner where the officer is sitting "Didn't see you in this miserable light." the officer stands smiling slightly. I feel myself freeze. It can't be him. He's safe. He's at home. They just like him that's all. "Hullo Stanhope." A small part of me re-joices at the sound of his voice, the rest is still paralised with shock "How-how did you get here?" I curse myself for stuttering.

Raleigh grins "I was told to report to your company Stanhope." I manage a small nod
"Oh. I see. Rather a coincidence." he lets out a low chuckle
"Yes." I continue to stare at him in a sort of daze not fully believing that he is standing not even two feet away.

After a moment Osborne clears his throat loudly "I say, Stanhope its terrible business, We thought we'd got a tin of pineapple chunks; turns out to be apricots." Trotter grins
"Ha! Give me apricots every time! I 'ate pineapple chunks; too bloomin' sickly for me."

I ignore them and continue to stare at Raleigh  who smiles awkwardly "I'm awfully glad I for your company Stanhope." my heart flutters slightly but I push it away "When did you get here?" he looks confused
"Well, I've only just come." Osborne interrupts
"He came up with the transport while you were taking over." I nod curtly
"I see."

Mason walks into the room balancing bowls, a mug and a bottle of whisky on his arms nearly dropping them all in the process. Osborne stands taking the whisky and the mug of him. I clear my throat slightly tearing my gaze from Raleigh. I sit at the table  forcing myself to sound cheerful "Come along, Uncle. Come and sit here," I pat the space next to me "You better sit there, Raleigh." I point to the box furthest away from me.

Trotter sits next to him faffing around with the box "Your Raleigh?" he nods slightly and Trotter smiles "I'm Trotter." I zone out of their conversation concentrating on pouring myself a glass of whisky and drinking it slowly. I hear something about soup and pepper but continue to ignore them drowing out old memories and feelings with whisky.

Finishing a second glass I place it on the table and focus on Osborne as he says "There's a sort of ruin marked on this map, just in front of here, in No Man's Land. Called Beavais farm." Trotter grins
"That's what we saw sticking up, skipper. I was woundering what it was." I nod slightly
"Better go out and look at it tonight."

Trotter stares at me a while frowning before saying "Cheer up, skipper. You do look glum." I sit up slightly shooting him a small smile "I'm tired." Osborne smiles kindly
"I should turn in and get some sleep after supper." I shake my head
"I've got hours of work before sleep."
"I'll do the duty roll and see the sergeant-major and all that." I smile at his offer
"That's all right Uncle."

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