Away from the front

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Stanhope P/O/V:

I lose track of time as I help organise all the troops for leaving. By half eight the first group has already left led by Raleigh and Hibbert. Trotter is mid group with myself at the back leaving the trench and boding attack behind. We spend the best part of a day marching up through Lancers Alley and on towards the distant camp.

The sun is just setting as we get in, the sounds of laughing and scraping plates greeting us. I leave the other officers in charge heading over to the headquarters to get our next orders.

"Captain Stanhope." I nod curtly
"Colonel Williams, sir." he frowns
"Take a seat Stanhope, so the big attack didn't come. The company that took over from you have had time to prepare and of course all your preperations will help as well. Give our boys a figting chance." he clears his throat "Anyway, you've got a few days rest. Couple of your troops are home on leave. Then you'll be posted to a new group."

I nod slightly "Have you heard anything about Lieutenant Osborne?" he flicks through some papers "Ah yes, healing well. But now has a permanent limp. Been sent home for proper recovery."
"Thank you." he smiles
"Of course. Relax a little Stanhope, enjoy yourself."

Standing I salut then turn on my heel and leave. I find Raleigh and Trotter having a drink in the officers tent, Hibbert is no where to be seen. "Hullo Stanhope, all well?" I nod sitting down pouring myself a glass of whisky "We've got a couple of days here. Then we'll be posted to new regiments." Trotter nods "Excellent I've got some mates over there. Hibbert went to the 'ospital. See you later." 

He walks of and I slide closer to Raleigh "There is a high chance we will be seperated." he nods slightly twisting the ring on his finger "We can write." I nod patting his knee "Absalutely. I'm going to marry you Jimmy. That's a promise." he chuckles bumping his knee into mine "At least we've got these next few days together." 

Grinning he raises his glass "To staying alive." I chuckle knocking my glass against his "To love." we both take a long drink "Tomorrow all I want to do is have a wash." I chuckle "You need one." he shoves me in the arm "You're one to talk." Drunken singing echoes around the camp a few soldiers stumbling around until one of the higher ups shoos them back inside telling them to hush. 

Chuckling I finish my drink "I'm heading to bed." Raleigh yawns standing "Good idea." we both stumble through the tent finding the rows of cots at the back most already occupided, snoring drifting from most of the beds. We find two near the back our packs leaning against them, kicking of my boots I fall forwards breathing in the clean linen on the pillow. Tugging the threadbare blanket up I offer Raleigh a small smile before falling into a light sleep.

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