I love you

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Osborn looks between Stanhope and me then stands clearing his throat loudly "Well I'm going outside to get some air. I'll be back in about thirty minutes." he leaves and Stanhope smiles at the table "How you feeling Jimmy?" I shrug slightly and smile "I feel fine thank you. I'm nervous about tomorrow but exited at the same time if you know what I mean."

He nods slightly and moves to the side patting the space next to him on the bed. I stand and sit next to him "Are you alright?" he sighs and turns his head slightly so he is looking me in the eyes "I can't lose you Jimmy. I can't... I love you." I feel heat blooming across my face and stare at him in shock "You love me?" he nods "I never thought I would be telling you like this. In a dreary dugout the Boche not five yards that way," he gestures with his hand "But I do love you James Raleigh. So much and I can't lose you."

I reach forward cupping his face gently and bringing my face closer to his "I love you too." he smiles softly "Really?" I nod "Of course I do." I lean forward closing my eyes "I love you so much Dennis." I press our lips together softly and run my other hand through his hair loving how soft it feels. He pulls away slightly grinning "I love you Jimmy, always have always will." I grin and shift slightly so I'm sitting closer. He wraps an arm around my waist pulling me into his lap "I love you so much."

I lean my forehead against his breathing in deeply "If we live through this, I'm coming clean with my dad." I smile "Really?" he nods "If he can't deal with me loving you then we'll run away together, live in a small house somewhere. I don't care were." I grin "You would really want to do that?" he nods "Definitely. Although we would probably have to live near Madge and Susan, make sure they are alright." I chuckle and kiss him lightly "Where ever we end up I don't care because I'll be with you."

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