33 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 1)

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She stood between Glaiza's legs and gently tilt her head upwards.

"You're damn lucky I care about you and your floats, or else I would've snapped at you for ruining my beauty sleep." Glaiza muttered.

"Why is it my fault? I didn't wake you up." Rhian says as she finger-combed the girl's hair.

"No, but its your fault for making me worry, enough to get myself out of the bed in this ungodly hour." Glaiza mumbled.

Rhian smiled at this. She knows that the girl isn't a morning person and a very deep sleeper. So the fact that Glaiza woked up early in the morning just to help her, made Rhian warm inside.

"Sorry, it wouldn't happen again." Rhian apologizes, as she smoothen down Glaiza's strands that are sticking out.

"Apology accepted, if you come help make breakfast. I'm starving." Glaiza stood up, grab her wrist and headed inside.

The two went straight to the kitchen and began preparing. As usual, they bicker and joked around as they cook, which didn't go unnotice by some of their friends who had just woke up.

"Girls, I know you're having fun, but please minimize. You might get hurt with those knives and hot pot, so be careful." Julie-Anne commented as she make herself a cup of coffee.

"Yes, mom." Rhian sarcastically said which brought a nudge from a giggling Glaiza. Julie-Anne shook her head in amusement.

Katrina and Brian prepare the table before Chynna put the plateful of food on it. After everything is done, others, including Jason, had also got out from their room and joined them in the dining area.

Rhian, a bit tired, sat in relief and drank water. Before she could get it herself, a plateful of meal already set in front of her and felt a kiss on her head. She look up and shot a smile towards the short-haired girl, thanking her. Glaiza grin back, tapping Rhian's chin before sitting beside her.

While eating, the group talk about the parade. Rhian walk them through today's event to which the group couldn't be more excited. After breakfast Rhian and Glaiza head to their room.

"Alright, we got 2 hours before the fiesta start. What do you want to do now?" Glaiza asked.

Rhian sat on the bed, grab her novel book and flip it to where she left off. "I'm going to read."

"That's it? What am I suppose to do?" Glaiza says.

"Whatever you want." Rhian muttered.

After watching a short episode of tv series and strumming random tunes on her guitar, Glaiza became bored. She look around the room for other source of entertainment, but failed when she found none. She sat beside the rich girl and look at her.

"Are you almost done reading?" Glaiza questioned to which she was met with silence. She rolled her eyes at Rhian's deep concentration on the book.

Wanting to get her attention, she began poking the girl's cheek to which the rich girl merely grab her hand and gently place it down. Glaiza frown and decided to kiss her cheek and her temple. Rhian only smiled, but her gaze was still on the book.

Glaiza smirked when she got an idea. She then proceeded to straddle the girl's hips and put her hands on both Rhian's cheeks and caressed it. She clench her jaw when Rhian still refused to look at her and instead had her nose buried on the book. She groaned, slouching back before she grab the book, closing it. Rhian frowned.

"You're ignoring me." Glaiza muttered.

"Sorry, but I want to finish that book. Go entertain yourself with your friends." Rhian responded and reach out to grab her book from Glaiza's hand.

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